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END of a 12 year PX7 quest

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END of a 12 year PX7 quest Empty END of a 12 year PX7 quest

Post by docpatlv Sun Mar 29, 2009 1:52 am

In October of 2004 I thought I had finally completed the PX7 (Domino disc) set. Although I originally intended to complete a master set (two discs of each player plus home/away disc), I put the set on the back-burner while I worked on other sets: e93, Helmar stamps, etc. I would occasionally pick some up here or there, but not with the same dedication as I had in the past since I was somewhat content with one full set.

Well, somewhere in 2007 or 2008, I decided to work on the master set again. I nearly had a heart attack when reviewing my checklist, I noticed a blank spot where a checkmark should have been............Doolan. What??????????? I'm not sure how I could have missed that, but I will tell you that the feeling of nauseau set in very quickly.

So I searched on e-bay for the past couple of years, but to no avail. All my trips to the Philly show and smaller local shows yielded nada. All the major dealers I asked told me I was SOL. A board member had e-mailed me to say he had a Doolan, but he wanted to keep it in his collection for the time being.

I was bored one the other day and found a group of discs that, lo and behold had a Doolan. Now the problem was, the lot also contained these...

END of a 12 year PX7 quest PX7Lot

Now the 2 Cobbs were very sharp, but I already had them:

END of a 12 year PX7 quest PX7CobbB_DMJP END of a 12 year PX7 quest PX7CobbR_D-2MJP END of a 12 year PX7 quest PX7CobbS_D-2MJP

What to do? Knowing that the Cobbs, and to a lesser degree the Collins were gonna make the Doolan one expensive disc to acquire, I was a little hesitant. But knowing that it may be a while before I saw another, I bit the bullet. So without further ado, here he is (I might add he looked very comfortable in the album sitting next to Dooin and Dougherty):

END of a 12 year PX7 quest PX7Doolan

NOW ON TO THE MASTER SET!!!!! (about 75% there)

END of a 12 year PX7 quest Scan0089

Major Leaguer
Major Leaguer

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END of a 12 year PX7 quest Empty Re: END of a 12 year PX7 quest

Post by crazylocomerk Sun Mar 29, 2009 3:22 am

That's awesome! Congrats to you for completing the conquest. That's one heck of an achievement!

And let me add that the picture of all the discs together like that is really cool.

Edited to add: Welcome to the board!

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END of a 12 year PX7 quest Empty Re: END of a 12 year PX7 quest

Post by docpatlv Sun Mar 29, 2009 5:01 am

Thanks for the welcome Eric.

I've been an occasional poster on Net 54, but somehow managed to just now find this forum so I thought I'd give it a try. After browsing around through some old posts, I noticed the atmosphere over here seems a bit different, not as much in-fighting.

Major Leaguer
Major Leaguer

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END of a 12 year PX7 quest Empty Re: END of a 12 year PX7 quest

Post by bowlingshoeguy Sun Mar 29, 2009 5:11 am

Great story Mike, It is always fun to hear the stories of our collections, very few are cut and dry always seems to be some sort of snag in the road.

Glad to have you join us, I think you will really enjoy.

Sultan of the Cycle Back
Sultan of the Cycle Back

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END of a 12 year PX7 quest Empty Re: END of a 12 year PX7 quest

Post by docpatlv Sun Mar 29, 2009 5:18 am

Hi Lee,

I know that you collect Piedmont Art Stamps from reading some of your previous posts. I have 15 that I've picked up over the last few years. How rare do you think they are? Would you say less than 20 of each? I know that the most I've seen of any player is Cobb. I've kept scans of about 6-7 different Cobbs, but most of the others, I've only seen 1-2 examples.

I remember reading on the other forum that there was a collector who stated he had a good portion of the set. I believe his last name was Miller. What are your thoughts on the set, surviving numbers, etc.

By the way, the ones you have on the SGC registry are very sharp, some of the nicest I have seen. I regret passing on a Mathewson a few years ago at the Philly show. I think it was VG and the dealer was asking approx. $650. Shoulda, woulda, coulda...

Major Leaguer
Major Leaguer

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END of a 12 year PX7 quest Empty Re: END of a 12 year PX7 quest

Post by bowlingshoeguy Sun Mar 29, 2009 5:42 am

I am going to start a separate thread on the subject I think it is a great topic, now that I have at least someone else with some interest other than type collecting.

Sultan of the Cycle Back
Sultan of the Cycle Back

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END of a 12 year PX7 quest Empty Attaboy Mike!

Post by nolemmings Sun Mar 29, 2009 5:44 am

Glad to see you made it-- I was feeling guilty about keeping my Doolan Smile

Would love to read an article on those someday-- nearly as much as I would love to rid you of any nice duplicates you own.
Hall of Famer
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END of a 12 year PX7 quest Empty Re: END of a 12 year PX7 quest

Post by docpatlv Sun Mar 29, 2009 5:52 am


I thought one day I would get an e-mail from you saying you were going to sell me your Doolan (out of guilt-insert smiley). Anyway, I have a sense of relief having achieved a base set.

The article with Old Cardboard never came to fruition. Lyman wanted me to revise the article and take some more defined scans, and with three kids and starting a new practice, there's just not enough time in the day. I was also interviewed by someone for PSA's mag for an article but haven't heard from him since. He was supposed to send me a copy once published, but I never received one. Maybe it never got published.

Believe it or not, out of almost 300 discs, I don't have many dupes, maybe a couple other than the Cobbs I just picked up. I will look when I can and check if I have any. I saw you picked up some graded ones...congrats, it's really a neat set. I may have to e-mail you so we don't butt heads, as I'm still working on the master set.

Lee, I will look for your Piedmont Art Stamp post tomorrow...I need to be counting sheep right now.

Major Leaguer
Major Leaguer

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