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Successful Farming 50 card give away

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Successful Farming 50 card give away Empty Successful Farming 50 card give away

Post by ItsOnlyGil Sun May 25, 2008 12:50 am

Any idea whether the cards were the same 50 each time?

Successful Farming 50 card give away Alison13

Posts : 1145
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Successful Farming 50 card give away Left_bar_bleue2 / 1002 / 100Successful Farming 50 card give away Right_bar_bleue

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Successful Farming 50 card give away Empty good question Gil

Post by nolemmings Sun May 25, 2008 2:40 am

and one I have pondered for some time. The answer is unknown at present but I would venture a guess that the players were different. The cards were numbered alphabetically, and were printed in sheets of 200, so the supplier certainly had access to complete sets. My thought would be that SF would tease the subscriber by leaving gaps in the numbers, enticing another subscription, and also would let different groups get out so kids could compare and either trade or see what they were missing. SF may even have random groups, so that if you landed a 50 group and then later got another, you might find dupes. This would make it harder to complete the set unless you acted all at once.

All of this is just speculation on my part. Empirically, there are too few SF cards to draw conclusions or even make assumptions, but I have not seen a larger number of any one or a few players, nor do known examples fall more in one part of the set than another, at least in any meaningful way. Again though, we're talking VERY few data points.
Hall of Famer
Hall of Famer

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Successful Farming 50 card give away Left_bar_bleue4 / 1004 / 100Successful Farming 50 card give away Right_bar_bleue

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