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Mickey Mantle struck out 600 more times than the sum of

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Mickey Mantle struck out 600 more times than the sum of Empty Mickey Mantle struck out 600 more times than the sum of

Post by ItsOnlyGil Sat May 10, 2008 12:12 am

19th century sluggers Ed Delahanty + Roger Connor + Dan Brouthers + Sam Thompson (lifetime). So, it seems to me to be a safe statement that the pitching performance of Charlie Sweeney and Hugh Daily in recording 19 strikeouts in nine inning games during the nineteenth century are feats that would amaze the likes of Bob Feller.

But are these pitching feats greater or lesser than that of Toad Ramsey who in 1887 struck out 17 batters in a nine inning game? In that year, a pitcher had to record four strikes to get credit for a K.

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Mickey Mantle struck out 600 more times than the sum of Left_bar_bleue2 / 1002 / 100Mickey Mantle struck out 600 more times than the sum of Right_bar_bleue

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Mickey Mantle struck out 600 more times than the sum of Empty Re: Mickey Mantle struck out 600 more times than the sum of

Post by sabrjay Sat May 10, 2008 3:52 am

On the opposite side of the equation, Guy Hecker walked 117 times in 1887 when you needed 7 balls to get a free pass.


Posts : 7818
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Mickey Mantle struck out 600 more times than the sum of Left_bar_bleue25 / 10025 / 100Mickey Mantle struck out 600 more times than the sum of Right_bar_bleue


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Mickey Mantle struck out 600 more times than the sum of Empty Re: Mickey Mantle struck out 600 more times than the sum of

Post by PeteBrowningFan Sat May 10, 2008 1:25 pm

sabrjay wrote:On the opposite side of the equation, Guy Hecker walked 117 times in 1887 when you needed 7 balls to get a free pass.

What Hecker did in his short career is amazing. I've been chasing an N172 for years and still don't have one.

Major Leaguer
Major Leaguer

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Mickey Mantle struck out 600 more times than the sum of Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Mickey Mantle struck out 600 more times than the sum of Right_bar_bleue

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Mickey Mantle struck out 600 more times than the sum of Empty Re: Mickey Mantle struck out 600 more times than the sum of

Post by sabrjay Sat May 10, 2008 9:56 pm

After I read your response, my post didn't seem correct and I was right. It was George Gore who had the amazing walk total, but it was only (lol) 102 with 7 ball count.

Hecker did have an amazing career. His biggest claim to fame being that he is the only pitcher to win a batting title. He has the AA record for wins with 52. He also pitched 7 games in 12 days, winning 6 and hitting .657 in the effort. He had a no hitter. Was the first pitcher to hit 3 HRs in a game and became the first player to play an entire game at first base without a fielding chance.


Posts : 7818
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Mickey Mantle struck out 600 more times than the sum of Left_bar_bleue25 / 10025 / 100Mickey Mantle struck out 600 more times than the sum of Right_bar_bleue


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Mickey Mantle struck out 600 more times than the sum of Empty Re: Mickey Mantle struck out 600 more times than the sum of

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