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1941 Goudey

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1941 Goudey Empty 1941 Goudey

Post by sabrjay Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:16 pm

The redheaded stepchild of the Goudey sets, this is the last and rarest of all sets produced by Goudey. Production and quality control for the set are severely lacking. Finding examples in better than Ex condition are almost impossible. The set is a B&W photo on a color background. There are 4 different color backgrounds, blue, green, red and yellow. The cards measure 2 3/8 x 2 7/8. Backs of the cards are an unfinished raw cardboard back.

1941 Goudey 41Gtobin1941 Goudey 41Glodigiani


Posts : 7818
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1941 Goudey Left_bar_bleue25 / 10025 / 1001941 Goudey Right_bar_bleue


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