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T206 Frank Smith, Chicago & Boston

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T206 Frank Smith, Chicago & Boston Empty T206 Frank Smith, Chicago & Boston

Post by bowlingshoeguy Fri Mar 07, 2008 5:02 pm

I have found it curious that this card seems to appear with only tougher backs. I own a Cycle 460, Piedmont 42, and have owned an Old Mill. I don't believe I have ever seen a regular Piedmont or Sweet Cap back for sale. I know that the Super Set shows they exist. Is it me or is this the case.

T206 Frank Smith, Chicago & Boston T206sm10

T206 Frank Smith, Chicago & Boston T206sm11

T206 Frank Smith, Chicago & Boston T206sm12

Sultan of the Cycle Back
Sultan of the Cycle Back

Posts : 3106
Trader Points :
T206 Frank Smith, Chicago & Boston Left_bar_bleue53 / 10053 / 100T206 Frank Smith, Chicago & Boston Right_bar_bleue

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T206 Frank Smith, Chicago & Boston Empty Re: T206 Frank Smith, Chicago & Boston

Post by scott elkins Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:22 pm

Lee, you have too many of those - you need to let that middle one go Laughing .

BTW - I haven't really looked for this card with the common backs, but have noticed a few Uzits and tougher backs on this one over the years myself.

scott elkins

Posts : 581
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T206 Frank Smith, Chicago & Boston Left_bar_bleue8 / 1008 / 100T206 Frank Smith, Chicago & Boston Right_bar_bleue

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T206 Frank Smith, Chicago & Boston Empty Re: T206 Frank Smith, Chicago & Boston

Post by Jim Rivera cfc1909 Fri Mar 07, 2008 9:31 pm

I have a Polar Bear and Uzit. I agree-it seems to have a tougher back each time I see it.
Jim Rivera cfc1909
Jim Rivera cfc1909

Posts : 376
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T206 Frank Smith, Chicago & Boston Left_bar_bleue5 / 1005 / 100T206 Frank Smith, Chicago & Boston Right_bar_bleue

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T206 Frank Smith, Chicago & Boston Empty Re: T206 Frank Smith, Chicago & Boston

Post by crazylocomerk Sat Mar 08, 2008 6:53 pm

I had one as well and it was a Polar Bear

Posts : 2742
Trader Points :
T206 Frank Smith, Chicago & Boston Left_bar_bleue12 / 10012 / 100T206 Frank Smith, Chicago & Boston Right_bar_bleue

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