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for sale: e90-1 cy young sgc 50, e99 bodie/melchoir, e92

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for sale: e90-1 cy young sgc 50, e99 bodie/melchoir, e92 Empty for sale: e90-1 cy young sgc 50, e99 bodie/melchoir, e92

Post by cccc Sun Aug 05, 2012 6:18 pm

ben's off doing his bender thing, and since he's back and forth between two continents i'm helping him sell off a part of his collection to fund his binge. he was a type card collector so there's a little of everthing for everybody. first up are some caramels. all cards are in my possession and ready to ship.

check/mo preferred, or paypal gift (accomodations can be made if you want to send a regular paypal also). prices are delivered...and i ship fast.

e90-1 young sgc 50--$1525$1450...a couple print dots but otherwise strong card/color
e92 sherry magee psa 4--$195$175...popular leaping pose
e99 ping(?) bodie psa 3--$495$425...TOUGH type, high grade sold for $576 in '09 mile high
e99 melchoir psa 2--$395$325...sold for $570 from same batch above

for sale: e90-1 cy young sgc 50, e99 bodie/melchoir, e92 1sgc50youngfront-2for sale: e90-1 cy young sgc 50, e99 bodie/melchoir, e92 1sgc50youngback-2
for sale: e90-1 cy young sgc 50, e99 bodie/melchoir, e92 1910%20E99%20Bodie%20-%20PSA%203Ffor sale: e90-1 cy young sgc 50, e99 bodie/melchoir, e92 1910%20E99%20Bodie%20-%20PSA%203R
for sale: e90-1 cy young sgc 50, e99 bodie/melchoir, e92 E99Melchoirfor sale: e90-1 cy young sgc 50, e99 bodie/melchoir, e92 E99Melchoir2
for sale: e90-1 cy young sgc 50, e99 bodie/melchoir, e92 E92Magee
Hall of Famer
Hall of Famer

Posts : 2550
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for sale: e90-1 cy young sgc 50, e99 bodie/melchoir, e92 Left_bar_bleue15 / 10015 / 100for sale: e90-1 cy young sgc 50, e99 bodie/melchoir, e92 Right_bar_bleue

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