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How was Connie Mack as a manager?

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How would you rate Connie Mack?

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Total Votes : 4

How was Connie Mack as a manager? Empty How was Connie Mack as a manager?

Post by BigGuy219 Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:20 am

Connie Mack is a tough one in my book. From 1900-14 he had some great players like Bender, Plank, Waddell, Collins, Baker, etc. and won 3 WS + 3 pennants.

Then he had that great run from '29-'31 with Grove, Foxx, Simmons, Cochrane, etc. that won 2 WS + 1 pennant. Some say this may have been the best team ever.

However, he was also the owner and notoriously sold players at their prime, which his performance on the field. He was also quoted once as saying something along the lines of he wanted a team that was competitive, but didn't win ... so he could get butts in the seats, but not have to pay the players fair.

Overall he's got a losing record (3731-3948). He's got 5 WS titles (which gets him a lot of credit), but he also had 53 seasons as a manager to achieve that.

So, what say you?
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