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1913 World Champion Philadelphia A's Fatima card

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1913 World Champion Philadelphia A's Fatima card Empty 1913 World Champion Philadelphia A's Fatima card

Post by jpay36 Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:04 am

For Sale via ebay (the forum won't let me post a link. In ebay search
1913 World Champion Philadelphia A's tobacco card w/five future Hall of Famers):

From the World Champion 1913 Philadelphia A's, a tobacco card from Fatima Cigarettes. I'm not a baseball card grader by any means and don't pretend to be, I'll answer questions as accurately as I can, but I believe the photos accurately show the wear on the card. On the front the foil is somewhat crinkled - as you can see - and the edges are worn.

This was a legendary team that beat the New York Giants 4 games to 1 in the World Series - and there are several of the game's greats on this card, including five future Hall of Famers, one innocent lamb of the 1919 Black Sox and the inventor of the Forkball.

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

Posts : 1
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1913 World Champion Philadelphia A's Fatima card Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 1001913 World Champion Philadelphia A's Fatima card Right_bar_bleue

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1913 World Champion Philadelphia A's Fatima card Empty Re: 1913 World Champion Philadelphia A's Fatima card

Post by sabrjay Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:56 am

Actually, we prefer that you not post eBay listings here as we would like to keep this is a direct sales venue. Thanks.

Posts : 7818
Trader Points :
1913 World Champion Philadelphia A's Fatima card Left_bar_bleue25 / 10025 / 1001913 World Champion Philadelphia A's Fatima card Right_bar_bleue


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