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FS: T206 SGC cards

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FS: T206 SGC cards  Empty FS: T206 SGC cards

Post by bowlingshoeguy Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:32 am

For sale T206 SGC cards. All cards ppd.

SGC 60, $95 each:

Krause, pitching
Raymond SOLD

SGC 40:
Russ Ford, Tolstoi $80
Wilhelm $40 SOLD
Jesse Tannenhill $40

Duffy, Sov 460: $200
Duffy, Tolstoi SGC 20: $80 SOLD

SGC A, $50 each, I believe all were deemed trimmed, big disappointment. They measure correct and as you can tell are very nice cards, too bad some seems to have did some handy work to them.

Overall and Schmidt SOLD

FS: T206 SGC cards  Sgcfor10

FS: T206 SGC cards  Sgcfor11

FS: T206 SGC cards  T206sg10

FS: T206 SGC cards  T206sg11

FS: T206 SGC cards  Sgcduf10

FS: T206 SGC cards  Sgcduf11

Thanks for looking,

Sultan of the Cycle Back
Sultan of the Cycle Back

Posts : 3106
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FS: T206 SGC cards  Left_bar_bleue53 / 10053 / 100FS: T206 SGC cards  Right_bar_bleue

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