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M101's color variations...same set?

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M101's color variations...same set? Empty M101's color variations...same set?

Post by ullmandds Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:52 pm

I recently picked up an m101-3 cobb...to add to my collins I've had for years. As I was approaching my house after purchasing the Cobb...I panicked a little as the cobb was practically devoid of color...it pretty much looks b/w...and I remember how vivid the colors are on my collins. I started thinking maybe I bought a repro?!?!

After measuring and comparing the 2 cards I know it to be real...but never realized there were color differences amongst these cards.
Does anyone know any more info about these cards?

[img]M101's color variations...same set? M101-310[/img]
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M101's color variations...same set? Empty Re: M101's color variations...same set?

Post by hrbaker Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:06 pm

At one time or another I have owned all of the M101-3s with the exception of maybe the Johnson/Street. I just have the Collins now. As I recall my Cobby was basically b&wish like yours. I think that there are varying degrees of color to these. As you can see my Collins has a much lighter registration than yours.

M101's color variations...same set? M101-3Collins

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M101's color variations...same set? Empty Re: M101's color variations...same set?

Post by Bicem Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:28 pm

your Collins has the most vivid color that I have ever seen on an m101-3. do you have a scan of the back?
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M101's color variations...same set? Empty Re: M101's color variations...same set?

Post by 3-2-count Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:54 pm

Bicem wrote:your Collins has the most vivid color that I have ever seen on an m101-3. do you have a scan of the back?

I agree! Pete that Collins pc has insane color......
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M101's color variations...same set? Empty Re: M101's color variations...same set?

Post by ullmandds Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:00 pm

I have seen another collins with nice color too...here's a scan of the backs...no difference I can see.

[img]M101's color variations...same set? M1013b10[/img]
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M101's color variations...same set? Empty My Bresnahan M101-3 PC

Post by vintagecatcher Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:16 pm

Here is my Bresnahan M101-3 Sporting News PC that I recently acquired:

M101's color variations...same set? Bresna10

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M101's color variations...same set? Empty Re: M101's color variations...same set?

Post by ullmandds Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:54 am

nice bresnahan, Patrick...that one has decent color!
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M101's color variations...same set? Empty Re: M101's color variations...same set?

Post by Bicem Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:50 pm

you're lucky you pulled the trigger on that one Patrick, I was very close to doing the same myself! Congrats!
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M101's color variations...same set? Empty Re: M101's color variations...same set?

Post by rhettyeakley Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:07 am

I believe the M101-3's have somewhat water soluble color ink on front and when soaked from an album, etc. they tend to "become" black and white. I have never soaked one of these but that is what I was told by someone that had and he was bummed about the result. Again, I'm going off their word on the matter.

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M101's color variations...same set? Empty Re: M101's color variations...same set?

Post by ullmandds Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:02 pm

Rhett...that's good to know...so maybe humidity or moisture over the last 100 odd years has caused fading of many of these postcards...as I can't imagine all cards with weak coloring have been soaked?
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M101's color variations...same set? Empty Here's my M101-3 WaJo.

Post by ValKehl Sat Jul 30, 2011 1:26 am

I'd never seen or known about the "colorless" variety until this thread. Does anyone know if a "colorless" WaJo exists?
M101's color variations...same set? M101-310

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M101's color variations...same set? Empty Re: M101's color variations...same set?

Post by ullmandds Sat Jul 30, 2011 4:34 am

Nice Wajo Val...the guy I bought the cobb from had the whole set...so yes the WaJo exists in the colorless version...unfortunately all of the cards had nasty tape adhered to top and bottom and weren't in the nicest of condition!
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M101's color variations...same set? Empty Re: M101's color variations...same set?

Post by ValKehl Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:12 pm

With MANY THANKS to Pete for his "above and beyond" assistance, I was able to contact the gentleman who Pete purchased his Cobb PC from in an effort to see if I could buy his "colorless" WaJo PC. We had a very pleasant telephone conversation, and I emailed him scans of my WaJo. Here is his email response after seeing my scans:

"Hi Val.....I think you didn't receive my first email as I feared. I did see
your scans, and I have the same card....faded, but I'm sure a colored copy.
According to J. L. Mashburns book, there was a COLORED set of 6....no mention
made of an uncolored set, and Mashburn knows his sports postcards well, so I
expect that's the case.

Your copy appears excellent!!! My green color is faded, and the blue doesn't
show at all to the best of my eyesite.

I enjoyed discussing this with you, too, and you can let others in your web
group know I have these if they have interest.

Jerry Peterson"

So, if anyone is interested in any of Mr. Peterson's remaining five M101-3 Sporting News PCs, here is his contact info:
7th Avenue Antique Mall (I believe Peterson is the owner and/or manager)
2563 7th Avenue East
Saint Paul, MN 55109-3011
(651) 773-7001

Thanks again Pete,

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M101's color variations...same set? Empty Re: M101's color variations...same set?

Post by ullmandds Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:40 pm

hmmm...interesting...so either all m101-3's are/were colored and maybe many of the colors have faded over the years...OR...Mashburn doesn't know everything?!?!

Glad I could be of assistance, Val.

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M101's color variations...same set? Empty Re: M101's color variations...same set?

Post by ullmandds Tue Aug 23, 2011 4:27 am

Say what you will...thanks to Dick Towle...I am much happier with my Cobby!!!! Probably still received the same technical grade too!
Thanks Dick and speedy recovery!
[img]M101's color variations...same set? M101co10[/img]
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