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FS: 1910/1911 Obaks

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FS: 1910/1911 Obaks Empty FS: 1910/1911 Obaks

Post by rp12367 Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:14 am

I have decided to do my OBAK sets in raw form. So I am looking to sell the graded cards for what I have into them. Paypal gift preferred, check or MO also fine. Also willing to trade for any T206 Old Mill, Sovereign. I am willing to trade to make things more flexible...I am a N54 Member and have perfect 100% e-bay score of over 1800 under same id as my forum name....Thanks Ralph

E-mail me for more info/scans etc...

1910 T212 175 Sujects Hall SGC 40/3 $65 Shipped (clean back)

1911 T212 Coy SGC 40/3 $65 Shipped (light crease upper left corner)

FS: 1910/1911 Obaks Hall

FS: 1910/1911 Obaks SCAN0400

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

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