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1954 topps #26 Ray Jablonski (Ted Williams#1?)

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1954 topps #26 Ray Jablonski (Ted Williams#1?) Empty 1954 topps #26 Ray Jablonski (Ted Williams#1?)

Post by Jeffs_Maze Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:08 pm

I have a very interesting card i had purchased from a local card shop nearly 10 years ago. It is the number 26 ray joblonski of the st. louis cardnals. This card is relativley normal besides that Ted Williams' name is on the top of the card upside down, well half of his name. i have been studying topps 1954 and realized the cuts arnt always perfect. What would be the chances of finding the ted williams cut off card? and if i did find it how much would it be worth to have them both together? if you have the card i would be more then interested to sell or buy let me know Very Happy


Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

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1954 topps #26 Ray Jablonski (Ted Williams#1?) Empty Re: 1954 topps #26 Ray Jablonski (Ted Williams#1?)

Post by Square_Frame_Ramly Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:14 pm

Can you post scans....and welcome to the board.
FC NCAA Bracket Champ
FC NCAA Bracket Champ

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1954 topps #26 Ray Jablonski (Ted Williams#1?) Left_bar_bleue15 / 10015 / 1001954 topps #26 Ray Jablonski (Ted Williams#1?) Right_bar_bleue

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1954 topps #26 Ray Jablonski (Ted Williams#1?) Empty Re: 1954 topps #26 Ray Jablonski (Ted Williams#1?)

Post by jbonie Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:22 am

The odds of finding the Ted Williams card opposite the miscut of your Jablonski card are about one in ten billion, although that's a conservative estimate. You'll have to decide whether that's worth your time. bananarama

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1954 topps #26 Ray Jablonski (Ted Williams#1?) Left_bar_bleue5 / 1005 / 1001954 topps #26 Ray Jablonski (Ted Williams#1?) Right_bar_bleue

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1954 topps #26 Ray Jablonski (Ted Williams#1?) Empty Re: 1954 topps #26 Ray Jablonski (Ted Williams#1?)

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