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Need George "Tank" Carr's baseball card!

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Need George "Tank" Carr's baseball card! Empty Need George "Tank" Carr's baseball card!

Post by ktbeth Thu Sep 02, 2010 5:24 am

If anyone knows how to get one of the original negro leagues baseball cards for George, "the Tank" Carr, Please let me know how to purchase it. Original would be awesome, a copy would be ok. Thanks!!

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

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Need George "Tank" Carr's baseball card! Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Need George "Tank" Carr's baseball card! Right_bar_bleue

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Need George "Tank" Carr's baseball card! Empty Re: Need George "Tank" Carr's baseball card!

Post by sabrjay Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:34 pm

What card are you talking about? The set that was produced in the 1980s or something else?

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Need George "Tank" Carr's baseball card! Left_bar_bleue25 / 10025 / 100Need George "Tank" Carr's baseball card! Right_bar_bleue


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Need George "Tank" Carr's baseball card! Empty Re: Need George "Tank" Carr's baseball card!

Post by ktbeth Thu Sep 02, 2010 5:57 pm

To be honest I'm not even sure...I know they obviously weren't made at the time of the Negro Leagues, but sometime after. I'd love to find the oldest possible but any George "Tank" Carr card would be great. Also any other memorabilia of his, although I know this is just a card site. Or even just where to start looking for these rare items.

I'm dating his great grandson who plays baseball at the collegiate level. I know it's rare, but I'm hoping to find something related to Tank's career because it would be so special for him!

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

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Need George "Tank" Carr's baseball card! Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Need George "Tank" Carr's baseball card! Right_bar_bleue

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Need George "Tank" Carr's baseball card! Empty Re: Need George "Tank" Carr's baseball card!

Post by sabrjay Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:22 pm

Very cool. I have the Negro League from the 80s. I'll dig it out and if there is a card for him in there I'll send it to you.

Posts : 7818
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Need George "Tank" Carr's baseball card! Left_bar_bleue25 / 10025 / 100Need George "Tank" Carr's baseball card! Right_bar_bleue


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Need George "Tank" Carr's baseball card! Empty Re: Need George "Tank" Carr's baseball card!

Post by ktbeth Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:29 pm

Oh gosh that is so cool you have those! Thank you so much for checking!! How much would you want for it?

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

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Need George "Tank" Carr's baseball card! Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Need George "Tank" Carr's baseball card! Right_bar_bleue

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Need George "Tank" Carr's baseball card! Empty Re: Need George "Tank" Carr's baseball card!

Post by sabrjay Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:46 pm

Sadly I don't see a card for him in the cards I have. I used to have a large mailing list of living Negro League players back in the early 1980s. If he was alive back then it is possible that I sent a card to him to be signed but never got it back.

I got players like Double Duty Radcliff, Lou Dial, Ray Dandridge and Buck Leonard to sign for me along with a lot other players most people have never heard of. Occasionally I got a letter too and to me are priceless because they recount their playing days.

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