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1921 Herpolsheimer's Boys Fashion Shop X 2

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1921 Herpolsheimer's Boys Fashion Shop X 2 Empty 1921 Herpolsheimer's Boys Fashion Shop X 2

Post by vwtdi Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:18 pm

From the find several years back with every card being a one of a kind. As found with pencil writing on back (as all had). Your pick at 350 each.
1921 Herpolsheimer's Boys Fashion Shop X 2 E121_herp_vaughn9061921 Herpolsheimer's Boys Fashion Shop X 2 E121_herp_vaughn907
1921 Herpolsheimer's Boys Fashion Shop X 2 E121_herp_vaughn905

1921 Herpolsheimer's Boys Fashion Shop X 2 E121_herp_henry8781921 Herpolsheimer's Boys Fashion Shop X 2 E121_herp_henry880
1921 Herpolsheimer's Boys Fashion Shop X 2 E121_herp_henry879

Major Leaguer
Major Leaguer

Posts : 29
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1921 Herpolsheimer's Boys Fashion Shop X 2 Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 1001921 Herpolsheimer's Boys Fashion Shop X 2 Right_bar_bleue

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