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f/s: t206 duffy VG...huggins mouth bvg 1.5

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f/s: t206 duffy VG...huggins mouth bvg 1.5 Empty f/s: t206 duffy VG...huggins mouth bvg 1.5

Post by cccc Tue May 11, 2010 8:27 pm

check/mo, shipping included. a little discount for FC members over here. just pm me here if you want the card(s)

duffy card has diamond cut, one light lower left corner crease...yeah VG. fabulous color. guaranteed to grade...$75

huggins has number in pencil on back...$35

f/s: t206 duffy VG...huggins mouth bvg 1.5 T206duffy-1f/s: t206 duffy VG...huggins mouth bvg 1.5 Duffyback

f/s: t206 duffy VG...huggins mouth bvg 1.5 Ttt
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f/s: t206 duffy VG...huggins mouth bvg 1.5 Left_bar_bleue15 / 10015 / 100f/s: t206 duffy VG...huggins mouth bvg 1.5 Right_bar_bleue

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