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Old Judge New York

5 posters

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Old Judge New York Empty Old Judge New York

Post by sabrjay Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:59 pm

Old Judge New York RichardsonOld Judge New York SlatteryOld Judge New York TiernanfieldingOld Judge New York TitcombOld Judge New York WardhandsonhipsOld Judge New York WardhorizontalOld Judge New York WardJohnOld Judge New York WardJohn0312Old Judge New York WelshscriptOld Judge New York WhitneyNewYorkbattingOld Judge New York KeefebatOld Judge New York KeefepitchOld Judge New York KeefethrowingOld Judge New York MattimorethrowingOld Judge New York MurphycatchingOld Judge New York ORourkeOld Judge New York DorgancatchingOld Judge New York EwinghorizontalOld Judge New York EwingthrowingOld Judge New York FaganOld Judge New York FosterOld Judge New York GeorgehandsatchestOld Judge New York GeorgethrowingOld Judge New York GeorgeBillOld Judge New York GoreOld Judge New York GorefieldingOld Judge New York GorefollowthruOld Judge New York GorehorisontalOld Judge New York GoresideOld Judge New York HatfieldbattingOld Judge New York HolbertOld Judge New York BrownCalifornialeaningonbatOld Judge New York BrownCaliforniathrowingOld Judge New York CaliforniaBrownthrowing

Posts : 7818
Trader Points :
Old Judge New York Left_bar_bleue25 / 10025 / 100Old Judge New York Right_bar_bleue


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Old Judge New York Empty Re: Old Judge New York

Post by bowlingshoeguy Thu Feb 07, 2008 5:54 am

Old Judge New York Oj_dog11

Old Judge New York Oj_bro12

Old Judge New York Ojward11

Old Judge New York Oj_col11
Sultan of the Cycle Back
Sultan of the Cycle Back

Posts : 3106
Trader Points :
Old Judge New York Left_bar_bleue53 / 10053 / 100Old Judge New York Right_bar_bleue

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Old Judge New York Empty Re: Old Judge New York

Post by TheRiddler Fri Jul 11, 2008 1:26 am

Old Judge New York Brown10Old Judge New York Connor10Old Judge New York Dorgan10Old Judge New York Ewing10Old Judge New York Gore110Old Judge New York Gore210Old Judge New York Gore10Old Judge New York Hatfie10Old Judge New York Hatfie11Old Judge New York Keefe110Old Judge New York Keefe210Old Judge New York Keefe10Old Judge New York Keefer10Old Judge New York Mattim10Old Judge New York Murphy10Old Judge New York Mutrie10Old Judge New York Orourk10Old Judge New York Richar10Old Judge New York Richar11Old Judge New York Roach10Old Judge New York Slatte10Old Judge New York Tierna10Old Judge New York Titcom10Old Judge New York Ward110Old Judge New York Ward210Old Judge New York Ward310Old Judge New York Ward410Old Judge New York Ward510Old Judge New York Ward10Old Judge New York Welch10Old Judge New York Whitne11Old Judge New York Whitne12

Posts : 1404
Trader Points :
Old Judge New York Left_bar_bleue2 / 1002 / 100Old Judge New York Right_bar_bleue

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Old Judge New York Empty Re: Old Judge New York

Post by bowlingshoeguy Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:15 am

Recent Acquisition, any clue who the other player is? :

Old Judge New York Oj_o_k10
Sultan of the Cycle Back
Sultan of the Cycle Back

Posts : 3106
Trader Points :
Old Judge New York Left_bar_bleue53 / 10053 / 100Old Judge New York Right_bar_bleue

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Old Judge New York Empty Re: Old Judge New York

Post by dstudeba Fri Sep 12, 2008 4:54 pm

Very nice card, I believe the other player is Richardson.

Major Leaguer
Major Leaguer

Posts : 59
Trader Points :
Old Judge New York Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Old Judge New York Right_bar_bleue

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Old Judge New York Empty Re: Old Judge New York

Post by TheBig6 Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:45 am

Old Judge New York Gore_1
The Relic
The Relic

Posts : 1579
Trader Points :
Old Judge New York Left_bar_bleue27 / 10027 / 100Old Judge New York Right_bar_bleue


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Old Judge New York Empty Re: Old Judge New York

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