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Baseball Fun Facts: Individuals 1900-1945

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Baseball Fun Facts: Individuals  1900-1945 Empty Baseball Fun Facts: Individuals 1900-1945

Post by bowlingshoeguy Fri Nov 20, 2009 8:01 pm

I was going through my Baseball almanac and ran across some items that
perked my interest and thought they were different. This thread will
be about individual achievements and I have started one for team
achievements. If you have some that have struck out as out of the
ordinary please add them.

I was not aware that Ty Cobb and Tris Speaker were teammates. They both played for the Philadelphia A's in 1928.

The one great fact of all team was Babe Ruth out homering 10 of the 15 other teams in the majors in 1921.

Bill Bergen is the worst lifetime hitter at .170 with 3620 at bats. He also had a brother, Marty, that was considered one of the top catchers in the 1890's for the Boston Beaneaters, that killed his family with an axe. Baseball Fun Facts: Individuals  1900-1945 Affraid
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