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www.bcbauction.com -1 week Left to Bid/Register

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www.bcbauction.com -1 week Left to Bid/Register Empty www.bcbauction.com -1 week Left to Bid/Register

Post by bcbauction Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:04 am

Dear VBBC Forum Members,

Quick reminder that there is 7 days left to register & bid in the
www.bcbauction.com which ends on 10/29 NextThurs.. Many good deals still available with No M.B.'s AND Low M.B.'s which dealers can profit on if they plan to resell. I hope that you will find items of interest. Regards-Brian Cataquet Baseball

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

Posts : 9
Trader Points :
www.bcbauction.com -1 week Left to Bid/Register Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100www.bcbauction.com -1 week Left to Bid/Register Right_bar_bleue

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www.bcbauction.com -1 week Left to Bid/Register Empty Re: www.bcbauction.com -1 week Left to Bid/Register

Post by fisherboy7 Thu Oct 22, 2009 4:29 pm

Hi Brian,

You are more than welcome to post here to notify us of your auctions, and we wish you the best in your upcoming one. However, posting multiple threads over a short period time is a bit much. Please limit yourself to posting only one thread per auction in the future.

Thanks for your understanding, and good luck!


Posts : 4290
Trader Points :
www.bcbauction.com -1 week Left to Bid/Register Left_bar_bleue55 / 10055 / 100www.bcbauction.com -1 week Left to Bid/Register Right_bar_bleue


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