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WTB the following T206 commons raw or SGC graded

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WTB the following T206 commons raw or SGC graded Empty WTB the following T206 commons raw or SGC graded

Post by lamontcarter Mon Apr 20, 2009 11:59 pm

These are the last 17 cards I need to complete the common portion of the set. Any help I can get would be SINCERELY APPRECIATED! No beaters please. SGC grades 10 to 50. Paying current market prices. Let me know what you have.


10. John Anderson

27. Fred Beck

39. Bob Bescher (Hands In Air)

45. Bill Bradley Portrait

119. Harry Davis (Philadelphia H. Davis On Front)

130. Jiggs Donohue (Donahue)

140. Tom Downey (Batting)

209. Dick Hoblitzell

289. Bill Malarkey

310. Stoney McGlynn

325. Clyde Milan

363. Orval Overall (Hand Face Level)

369. Dode Paskert

370. Jim Pastorius

467. Lee Tannehill (Chicago Tannehill On Front)

501. Jimmy Williams

514. Heinie Zimmerman

Last edited by lamontcarter on Fri Apr 24, 2009 3:51 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Karger acquired)
Major Leaguer
Major Leaguer

Posts : 93
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WTB the following T206 commons raw or SGC graded Left_bar_bleue10 / 10010 / 100WTB the following T206 commons raw or SGC graded Right_bar_bleue

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