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This Day in Baseball

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This Day in Baseball Empty This Day in Baseball

Post by TheRiddler Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:11 pm

82 years, 5 months and 10 days ago today (I think). Joe Judge hits into a triple play and is not officially charged with an at bat.
see below.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
9/26/1927 Game 1 AL Boston Red Sox vs AL Washington Senators Fenway Park I
Top 5 INN Score V-H 2 - 0 PLAY SEQUENCE: 8*-4*-2* Source: From Wash Post
Event: 8(B)1X2(84)2XH(42)/FTP/S Men On: 2 [ 1-2 ] BOS vs WS1
Batter: Joe Judge First Goose Goslin Second Babe Ganzel Third
Batter: 1 G B Runner 1: 2 T 2 Runner 2: 3 T H Runner 3: 0
Out# Type Loc: Out# Type Loc: Out# Type Loc: Out# Type Loc:
{Out Type: D=Doubled-Off F=Forced G=Gloved T=Tagged X=Strike-Out; Out Loc: Retrosheet Field Location}
Joe Judge (WS1) is the batter with a ?-? count. He sent a sacrifice fly to center, which is caught by the CF (Ira Flagstead). The runner from
second, Babe Ganzel, reached third after the catch (OUT 1)
CF quickly fired to the 2B (Bill Regan) who tagged the runner coming from first, Goose Goslin (OUT 2)
Seeing that the play was directed toward the middle sack, the runner from second who had advanced to third, continued on to home. The 2B
pegged to the C (Grover Hartley) in time for him to put the tag on Babe Ganzel (OUT 3)

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This Day in Baseball Empty Re: This Day in Baseball

Post by TheBig6 Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:34 pm

Doesn't a runner have to score for it to be a Sacrifice Fly.
I think I found the answer, back in 1927 a sacrifice fly was ruled if a baserunner advanced one base on the fly out. So, a baserunner advancing from second to third would have quaified in 1927.
The Relic
The Relic

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This Day in Baseball Empty Re: This Day in Baseball

Post by sabrjay Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:17 pm

You always have to remember, that the rules change over time and what is the rule now isn't necessarily the rule back then and the sac fly rule has changed numerous times over the years.


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This Day in Baseball Empty Re: This Day in Baseball

Post by TheRiddler Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:55 pm

Ok, how about two years later another triple play - this one including the hidden ball trick ?!?Smile


4/30/1929 AL Chicago White Sox vs AL Cleveland Indians Comiskey Park

Top 7 INNING Score 3 - 5 PLAY SEQUENCE: 6-3*-2-5*-5* Source: From NYT

2 Men On: First Charlie Jamieson Second Johnny Hodapp Third

Out# Type Loc: Batr: 1 F 1 Runr1: 3 T 3 Runr2: 2 T 3H Runr3: 0

Carl Lind (CLE) is the batter with a ?-? count.He pounds a ground ball to the SS (Bill Cissell) and the runner from second, Johnny Hodapp,

attempted to score. The SS fires over to the 1B (Bud Clancy) to retire the batter, Carl Lind (OUT 1)

1B seeing Hodapp round third throws to the C (Buck Crouse) who, in turn, tosses to the 3B (Willie Kamm) who tags out Hodapp who was

caught between third and home (OUT 2)

3B concealed the ball in his glove and when the runner from first, Charlie Jamieson, who had rushed to third during the excitement stepped off

the bag, 3B Kamm tagged him out (OUT 3)

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This Day in Baseball Empty Re: This Day in Baseball

Post by ItsOnlyGil Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:31 pm

Do the 19th Century.
Here's one tuff to beat (it is not a triple play. Just a pick off).

September 5, 1886.

Dave Foutz pitching for the Browns.
This Day in Baseball Foutz10
Pete Browning on first.
This Day in Baseball Browni10
Charlie Comiskey, First Baseman, playing a deep 1B.
This Day in Baseball Comisk10
Engages Browning in small talk.
Browning has a very comfortable lead.
Suddenly, Foutz races from the mound directly at Pete Browning.
Although Pete sees him, he is initially flat footed, and can not get back to the 1B bag in time.
Foutz tags him out - with baseball's only unassisted pick off.

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