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WTTF T206 Red Hindu

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WTTF T206 Red Hindu Empty WTTF T206 Red Hindu

Post by crazylocomerk Sun Apr 05, 2009 5:51 pm

A deal fell through, so.......

I'm looking to trade for a T206 w/Red Hindu back. Graded, ungraded, I don't care (as long as the ungraded card will grade numerically).

Looking for decent eye appeal, and no paper loss on the back is a must. Something in the 10-40 grade range.

Would prefer a HOFer to help with my set (T206 back variation set w/HOFer front). Not particular with the HOFer (I'll take what I can get).

If you have something for trade, email me at: crazylocomerk@yahoo.com

Here are my 3 cards available for trade:

WTTF T206 Red Hindu 1909-11T206DemmittRayStLouisVariati

WTTF T206 Red Hindu 1909-11T206ManningRube_PitchingUZIT

WTTF T206 Red Hindu 1915T214VictoryTobaccoKellyJoe

Posts : 2742
Trader Points :
WTTF T206 Red Hindu Left_bar_bleue12 / 10012 / 100WTTF T206 Red Hindu Right_bar_bleue

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