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Losing Track

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Losing Track Empty Losing Track

Post by ItsOnlyGil Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:58 pm

Which sets (or individual cards) are you losing track of which you formerly searched for passionately?
I will offer one of my own which I have abandoned ..... Batter Up, Ben Chapman #62, Red or Green.

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Losing Track Empty Re: Losing Track

Post by TheBig6 Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:48 am

I have wanted a 52 Bowman Stan the man for a long time. I haven't abadoned the idea it's just that I don't search for 50's cards that much.

He was the first superstar player I saw play in person as the Houston Buffs were a farm team for the Cards in the 50's and they would come through and play exhibition games against the Buffs.

He was one of those players that you could just tell by watching him that he was better than the others. The way the ball just jumped off his bat, those frozen ropes.

Aaron had the same effect on me, also Gordie Howe when he played for the Aeros, even as an old man , he just had something special that other players didn't have.
The Relic
The Relic

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Losing Track Empty Re: Losing Track

Post by TheRiddler Mon Mar 16, 2009 1:50 pm

Yes Jerry, I'd watch him play and he seemed so much better than everyone else.
I grew up in NY and although Mays was important, very important; Musial seemed better.
He was a better hitter. He even seemed better than Williams to me.
Probably because he was always coming through with a line drive, while Williams would be walked.

I wanted a card of him, but I did not like any of the major supplier cards.
I wound up with a '51 Wheaties, which I like quite a lot.

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