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Charles Bray T206 Wagner Letter (1958)

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Charles Bray T206 Wagner Letter (1958) Empty Charles Bray T206 Wagner Letter (1958)

Post by fisherboy7 Sat Feb 07, 2009 4:56 pm

I thought this was pretty neat...

Charles Bray T206 Wagner Letter (1958) Per_wagpiedmont_4
Charles Bray T206 Wagner Letter (1958) Per_wagpiedmont_5
(scans from t206museum.com)
Dear Sir,
I have your letter regarding your collection of cards. The Hans Wagner card Pittsburg Pirates National is worth $25 in good clean undamaged condition. In the same series (Piedmont) there is also a Wagner Boston American. This card is not Hans Wagner of the National League. The two players are sometimes confused. I would also pay $10 for Plank Phila Athletics. The rest of the cards are common. I will be glad to make an offer for the lot if you will send them for examination.
Sincerely, Charles Bray

Here's a scan of the card that was referred to in the letter, which sold for $86,730 in a 2001 Mastro auction. The borders are clearly irregular, I wonder if it's in an AUT holder today, or still raw?
Also, is it just me or is there some ghosting on the front?

Charles Bray T206 Wagner Letter (1958) Per_wagpiedmont_1Charles Bray T206 Wagner Letter (1958) Per_wagpiedmont_2

Posts : 4290
Trader Points :
Charles Bray T206 Wagner Letter (1958) Left_bar_bleue55 / 10055 / 100Charles Bray T206 Wagner Letter (1958) Right_bar_bleue


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Charles Bray T206 Wagner Letter (1958) Empty Re: Charles Bray T206 Wagner Letter (1958)

Post by ullmandds Sat Feb 07, 2009 6:02 pm

cool letter and Honus! I've never seen that Wags before...his skin tone is Like Derek Jeters...maybe he was a product of a mixed marriage? Looks like a print scrap...hand cut...maybe?
East Coast

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Charles Bray T206 Wagner Letter (1958) Left_bar_bleue4 / 1004 / 100Charles Bray T206 Wagner Letter (1958) Right_bar_bleue

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Charles Bray T206 Wagner Letter (1958) Empty Re: Charles Bray T206 Wagner Letter (1958)

Post by CobbSpikedMe Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:07 pm

This is awesome Ben. Thanks for sharing. The collector Charles is communicating with had a couple of choice cards if he had a Wagner and a Plank. And how cool is it that Charles suggested that the guy send him his collection for examination to make an offer. Trust. Isn't it grand?

All Star
All Star

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Charles Bray T206 Wagner Letter (1958) Left_bar_bleue2 / 1002 / 100Charles Bray T206 Wagner Letter (1958) Right_bar_bleue


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