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for sale: m116 sporting life Heinie Beckendorf--SOLD

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for sale: m116 sporting life Heinie Beckendorf--SOLD Empty for sale: m116 sporting life Heinie Beckendorf--SOLD

Post by Square_Frame_Ramly Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:59 am

I have a raw M116 Beckendorf, in my opinion its one of the toughest M116 cards to find for some reason. Both SGC and PSA have a combined 7 cards graded.

Guaranteed to grade, if i were to guess i would give this a PSA 4.5, maybe even a 5.

No wrinkles, no creases, no paperloss.

ASKING $175 delivered and insured. SOLD


for sale: m116 sporting life Heinie Beckendorf--SOLD M116be10
FC NCAA Bracket Champ
FC NCAA Bracket Champ

Posts : 2773
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for sale: m116 sporting life Heinie Beckendorf--SOLD Left_bar_bleue15 / 10015 / 100for sale: m116 sporting life Heinie Beckendorf--SOLD Right_bar_bleue

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