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T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited.

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T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited. Empty T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited.

Post by scott elkins Thu Jan 17, 2008 5:17 pm

Noticing the price of this ebay auction, with more than three days to go, made me wonder if others might think that Red Hindus are actually a tad more scarce than a Uzit (I have come to this conclusion within the past several months going by availability of each)? question


Before the REA find a couple years back of around 30+ Uzits, there was really no debate as to the Uzits being a tad rarer than Red Hindus. However, this second time around collecting rare backs, I have actually seen about the same number of each for sale, with maybe a couple more Uzits (mostly low grade commons however for the Uzits, where the Red Hindus are a little higher grade).

It will be exciting to see what the above Red Hindu actually sells for. I hope I haven't "outed" the auction, however, with the price and the item being listed correctly, there really should be no problem with me mentioning this card before it ends (as I am sure those interested have already seen it and have their snipes set).

scott elkins

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T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited. Left_bar_bleue8 / 1008 / 100T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited. Right_bar_bleue

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Post by bowlingshoeguy Fri Jan 18, 2008 2:50 am

Scott, You do have to factor in the fact that this is no ordinary common, although I do believe that there is a good chance that the Red Hindu are an equal to UZITs.

Sultan of the Cycle Back
Sultan of the Cycle Back

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T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited. Left_bar_bleue53 / 10053 / 100T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited. Right_bar_bleue

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Post by scott elkins Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:01 am

You are correct Lee - this is about like having a low-tier HOF'er on the card's front (the Kleinow Boston variation that is). Still, I feel the Kleinow Boston variation is really not any tougher than some of the other 460 series only cards. It has simply been hyped up over the years and lists for more than other 460 only cards in the price guides. I do believe that, for the most part, other 460 series only cards are actually undervalued.

scott elkins

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T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited. Left_bar_bleue8 / 1008 / 100T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited. Right_bar_bleue

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Post by scott elkins Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:41 pm

Wow - the price is already over $2k with over 2 days remaining. Bad news for me. At least this is making the PSA 5 HR Baker Red Hindu I picked up for around $1950 last year look like a great deal. The bad news is however, that it is going to cost so much to get other premium T206 fronts in nice condition with Red Hindu backs that I probably won't be able to pick up many more. Suspect

Just wondering which one members would rather have this Kleinow Boston PSA 4 Red Hindu or the SGC 30 Broadleaf 460 Kleinow Boston that is currently on eBay as well? scratch


Before these two auctions, I had figured the BL 460 Kleinow, even in lesser grade, was still worth over double the value of the PSA 4 Red Hindu Kleinow. The $5000 BIN might not be that bad of a deal afterall on the BL 460 example. question

scott elkins

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T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited. Empty Re: T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited.

Post by Jim Rivera cfc1909 Sat Jan 19, 2008 1:54 am

I think both backs are about the same when it comes to rarity. I think most collectors hold onto their examples so it is tough to tell how many of each are really out there. However at this time if you had the same player ( Crandall just an example)and same grade I think the Uzit would bring the heavier tag than the Red Hindu. Also alot has to do with what player is on the front. If you have a common player( Schlei just an example) grade 3 Uzit and a common(Magee just an example but more popular) player grade 3 Red Hindu I think the Red Hindu will bring the better auction result.
These auctions are from memory-I am sure someone has better records but 2 recent ebay Uzit auctions-
a Cub player in SGC 10 went for 1k and a SGC 30 Lake went for $850.The last common Red Hindu I can remember SGC 40 Crandall went for $860.

The Kleinow and the Gandil Red Hindu will bring more than a common so it is tough to judge by these examples.

To answer the question-I think I would rather the Red Hindu Kleinow over the BL 460 just because Hindu is my favorite back. Really all rare backs are my favorite.
Jim Rivera cfc1909
Jim Rivera cfc1909

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Post by scott elkins Sat Jan 19, 2008 7:45 pm

I do know of a GAI 3 common with a Red Hindu back selling for $1100 last year (which is the last common I know that sold). It was a private transaction - sold by R.B. Craik. I recently won a poor ungraded Red Hindu common on eBay for a tad under $600. However, the seller listed it incorrectly as a regular Hindu. Plus, I know of at least three ebayers who "backed off" for me.

I would say you are correct Jim - they are really close in rarity. Pricewise, we simply don't have a couple of similar commons, HOF'ers or premium cards coming up for sale around the same time to tell where they stand.

I also agree that most of these rare backs seem to have settled down in collections and seem to be "Stuck" there.

scott elkins

Posts : 581
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T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited. Empty Red Hindu

Post by crazylocomerk Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:41 am

Hey Scott, Do you still have that Josh Devore?

I've got to try to pick up another Red Hindu this year. It'll be very tough I think.

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T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited. Left_bar_bleue12 / 10012 / 100T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited. Right_bar_bleue

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Post by bowlingshoeguy Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:45 am

The one Red Hindu I have is a schlacked Devore, got it for $60. Wish I sould have picked up a few more over the years.

T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited. T206de11

Sultan of the Cycle Back
Sultan of the Cycle Back

Posts : 3106
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T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited. Empty Red Hindu

Post by crazylocomerk Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:54 am

Hey Lee, I'll pay you $60 for that Devore! Nice buy at that price. When did you buy it?

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T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited. Left_bar_bleue12 / 10012 / 100T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited. Right_bar_bleue

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Post by bowlingshoeguy Sun Jan 20, 2008 1:00 am

I don't remember for sure but I believe about 2004. I did buy it from a James Verril that use to run his own auction. I bought alot of cards from him and he gave me a deal on the Devore. I also picked up one of my Piedmont Factory 42s from one of his auction for $50 SGC 50, not labeled as such.

Sultan of the Cycle Back
Sultan of the Cycle Back

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Post by crazylocomerk Sun Jan 20, 2008 1:36 am

It's amazing to see how much those have skyrocketed in the past couple years. I mean we're talking 4 years!

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Post by scott elkins Sun Jan 20, 2008 3:22 am

Nice Red Hindu Devore Lee! I picked up a PSA 1 Red Hindu Devore from Eric Merka last year in a trade.

BTW - I use to buy a TON of cards from James V. myself. He always had monthly auctions and I would win cards every month. I really miss those auctions, as you could find some great deals.

scott elkins

Posts : 581
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T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited. Left_bar_bleue8 / 1008 / 100T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited. Right_bar_bleue

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Post by scott elkins Sun Jan 20, 2008 3:28 am

Here is my favorite Red Hindu I currently own (wish I still had the PSA 7 Konetchy - my favorite I have ever owned, along with the three Gandil Red Hindus I had at one time). After I bought this last year, I was hooked on the rare backs again.

T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited. Baker_10

T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited. Baker_11

scott elkins

Posts : 581
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Post by crazylocomerk Sun Jan 20, 2008 3:50 am

That Baker is amazing!

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Post by scott elkins Sun Jan 20, 2008 9:59 pm

TBH Eric, the card's corners look much worse in those scans than in reality - it really looks nicer in person for some reason - even under 10x magnification! Rolling Eyes

scott elkins

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Post by Jim Rivera cfc1909 Mon Jan 21, 2008 9:55 pm

I also bought alot of nice cards from JV. I got a raw Red Hindu from him that graded a SGC 50. I think I paid $300 for it. He also had a Broad Leaf find that had several 460 cards in it and the Joss BL 460 I own was from that find.
He had a massive HOF rare back collection at one time. I don't know if he still has it. Does anyone know what happened to him? I haven't heard from him for some time.
Jim Rivera cfc1909
Jim Rivera cfc1909

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T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited. Left_bar_bleue5 / 1005 / 100T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited. Right_bar_bleue

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Post by scott elkins Mon Jan 21, 2008 11:35 pm

Jim, the last I heard of him (around his last auction) was that he was going through a messy divorce. I also believe he auctioned most all of his collection.

scott elkins

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T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited. Left_bar_bleue8 / 1008 / 100T206 back rarity - Red Hindu vs. Uzit revisited. Right_bar_bleue

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