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Gai Empty Gai

Post by lentel Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:05 pm

Is there something wrong with Gai? There cards seem to go for less at auction. Cards seem to look nice enought but is there something I am missing or dont know about? Other than they are not PSA or SGC?
thanks for any info
Major Leaguer
Major Leaguer

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Gai Empty Re: Gai

Post by bowlingshoeguy Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:36 pm

GAI had a rep of grading one grade to high. Then they got into financial trouble and left many of there customers hanging. Doesn't do much for the confidence of buying there product. Not sure if they are still up and running but personally I never bid close to what I would for SGC cards.

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Sultan of the Cycle Back

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Gai Empty Re: Gai

Post by cccc Mon Sep 15, 2008 12:01 am

gai cards can be a good bargain if u buy in person. if bidding online i usually subtract at least 1 grade down. the have less altered stuff than psa tho imo.
Hall of Famer
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Gai Empty Re: Gai

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