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Still over three years away for some T206's..........

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Still over three years away for some T206's.......... Empty Still over three years away for some T206's..........

Post by scott elkins Fri Jan 04, 2008 7:03 pm

before they are 100 years old. However, I guess the big "100 year old craze" everyone is expecting will encompass all three series - even the 460 Series that had the majority of its cards issued in 1911.

I guess that gives us hard-core collectors (who would say a Uzit wasn't 100 until Spring 2011) a little more time to celebrate the 100 year anniversary; since the Mayan calendar ends in 2012 angry2 , only giving us a little over a year to celebrate the anniversary for real. Rolling Eyes

scott elkins

Posts : 581
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Still over three years away for some T206's.......... Left_bar_bleue8 / 1008 / 100Still over three years away for some T206's.......... Right_bar_bleue

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Still over three years away for some T206's.......... Empty Re: Still over three years away for some T206's..........

Post by sabrjay Fri Jan 04, 2008 8:26 pm

The world is coming to an end Dec 23 or 21, 2012 depending on which interpretation of the Mayan calendar you subscribe to.

Sctually, it's the end of the Long Cycle, which for the Mayans, means the dawn of a new era.


Posts : 7818
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Still over three years away for some T206's.......... Left_bar_bleue25 / 10025 / 100Still over three years away for some T206's.......... Right_bar_bleue


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Still over three years away for some T206's.......... Empty Re: Still over three years away for some T206's..........

Post by scott elkins Fri Jan 04, 2008 9:06 pm

You are correct Jay (as usual) - the Mayan Calendar ending in 2012 means the end of this era and the beginning of a new "enlightened" era! Shocked Maybe, in this new enlightened era, the Mastro Empire will become honest????? question

scott elkins

Posts : 581
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Still over three years away for some T206's.......... Left_bar_bleue8 / 1008 / 100Still over three years away for some T206's.......... Right_bar_bleue

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Still over three years away for some T206's.......... Empty Re: Still over three years away for some T206's..........

Post by ItsOnlyGil Sun Jan 06, 2008 5:21 am

The Mayans, is that a PCL team?
And what are they doing in 2012?
Starting over? Do that now!

Posts : 1145
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Still over three years away for some T206's.......... Left_bar_bleue2 / 1002 / 100Still over three years away for some T206's.......... Right_bar_bleue

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Still over three years away for some T206's.......... Empty Re: Still over three years away for some T206's..........

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