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F/S :: 2 T206's & 1 T213-2 Coupon

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F/S :: 2 T206's & 1 T213-2 Coupon Empty F/S :: 2 T206's & 1 T213-2 Coupon

Post by CobbSpikedMe Mon May 26, 2008 4:20 am

****Relisted in a lot****

I have the following T206's and T213-2 for sale right now:

T206 Dougherty, Chicago Amer. - Poor condition w/ creases and very nice registration. Pied 150 fact. 25..$25.00

T206 Hooker, Lynchburg - Southern Leaguer. Poor. Piedmont 350 Fact.25.............................................$35.00

T213-2 Coupon Type 2 - Ford, Buffalo Federal League. Poor. Dark staining on reverse, with paperloss........$25.00

All items can be seen on my website here: http://www.geocities.com/typecard8008/ForSale.html

Please email me with any questions at andyhuntoon@gmail.com

First email stating "I'll take it" takes precedent over posts.

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F/S :: 2 T206's & 1 T213-2 Coupon Left_bar_bleue2 / 1002 / 100F/S :: 2 T206's & 1 T213-2 Coupon Right_bar_bleue


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