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FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84)

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FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84) Empty FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84)

Post by Stampscoll Tue Oct 22, 2013 2:10 pm

Selling 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84) NM. Price $4690. PayPal.

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

Posts : 1
Trader Points :
FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84) Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84) Right_bar_bleue

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FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84) Empty Re: FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84)

Post by jbonie Tue Oct 22, 2013 4:55 pm

Check out this thread:


Pretty sure it is the same guy.

Posts : 1709
Trader Points :
FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84) Left_bar_bleue5 / 1005 / 100FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84) Right_bar_bleue

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FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84) Empty Re: FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84)

Post by sabrjay Tue Oct 22, 2013 5:20 pm

Thanks. If anyone has dealings with the seller, please keep me posted so we can deal with it accordingly.

Posts : 7818
Trader Points :
FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84) Left_bar_bleue25 / 10025 / 100FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84) Right_bar_bleue


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FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84) Empty Re: FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84)

Post by jbonie Tue Oct 22, 2013 6:23 pm

That card just sold for 13k in Goodwin last month. I am 99.9 percent sure it is a scam.

Posts : 1709
Trader Points :
FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84) Left_bar_bleue5 / 1005 / 100FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84) Right_bar_bleue

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FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84) Empty Re: FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84)

Post by cccc Tue Oct 22, 2013 7:12 pm

the trifecta would be a brand new member asking for pp gift on a multi-thousand dollar purchase.
Hall of Famer
Hall of Famer

Posts : 2550
Trader Points :
FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84) Left_bar_bleue15 / 10015 / 100FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84) Right_bar_bleue

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FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84) Empty Re: FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84)

Post by pariah1107 Fri Jan 03, 2014 4:49 am

This person(s) seems to have made another appearance, this time selling a '52 Mantle using the name Scott Norris, Scott Allen, & t206whiteborders:


The rest is just, too, disturbing...

Posts : 799
Trader Points :
FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84) Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84) Right_bar_bleue

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FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84) Empty Re: FS 1951 Baseball card Bowman #253 Mickey Mantle SGC 7 (84)

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