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Wanted: A T214 Victory and T215 Red Cross HOFer

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Wanted: A T214 Victory and T215 Red Cross HOFer Empty Wanted: A T214 Victory and T215 Red Cross HOFer

Post by fisherboy7 Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:04 pm

Looking to acquire a HOFer from each of these tough T sets (T214 and T215). Not too concerned about condition as long as the backs are legible. Anything from fair to vgex condition would be fine.

Have lots of trade bait including scarce type cards and HOFers from popular t/e/d sets. Here's a glimpse of said bait to wet the appetite a bit, and there's more where these came from:

Wanted: A T214 Victory and T215 Red Cross HOFer E101cobb-1Wanted: A T214 Victory and T215 Red Cross HOFer 1sgc50youngfront-2Wanted: A T214 Victory and T215 Red Cross HOFer E104BendersmWanted: A T214 Victory and T215 Red Cross HOFer N162kellyWanted: A T214 Victory and T215 Red Cross HOFer CJplankWanted: A T214 Victory and T215 Red Cross HOFer 1910%20E99%20Bodie%20-%20PSA%203FWanted: A T214 Victory and T215 Red Cross HOFer E270ChanceWanted: A T214 Victory and T215 Red Cross HOFer 1909-11%20T206%20Johnson%20_Portrait_%20-%20SGC%2020FWanted: A T214 Victory and T215 Red Cross HOFer E96mack

Please email me at benfisher77@gmail.com if you have something available.

Posts : 4290
Trader Points :
Wanted: A T214 Victory and T215 Red Cross HOFer Left_bar_bleue55 / 10055 / 100Wanted: A T214 Victory and T215 Red Cross HOFer Right_bar_bleue


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