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1922 Whitmor Candy?

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1922 Whitmor Candy? Empty 1922 Whitmor Candy?

Post by cmoking Sat Feb 21, 2009 5:08 pm

A 1922 Whitmore Candy Zach Wheat just ended on ebay (SGC 50 for $280). I wasn't the winner nor the underbidder, but I still thought it was an intersting card. Looks like its the same as the E121 American Caramel issues. Anyone have more info about this issue and/or other possible regional (?) issues like it with E121 similarities?

1922 Whitmor Candy? 67f0_31922 Whitmor Candy? 6a46_3

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1922 Whitmor Candy? Empty Hi King

Post by nolemmings Sat Feb 21, 2009 7:06 pm

The Witmor candy card you showed is one of about a dozen or so advertising backs for the E121 style cards, counting both series of 80 and 120. There are even more if you count the different type facing or slight word positioning on some backs. For example, the Witmor ad can be found in vertical format (scarcer), as well as the one you showed, and one horizontal with the third line fully justified, beginning with "American" (non-hyphenated).

Other advertisers include several bakeries----Holsum, Clark's Bread, Haffner's Big-Tayto-Loaf, Gassler's American-Maid and Standard Biscuit; some candy/confectioners---Henry Johnson, James Keating and Lou Gertenrich (the first two with mundane stamped backs and the last with a beautiful baseball scene and player back); the apparently one-of-a-kind Herpolsheimers, and the also scarce Leader Theatre cards (see below).
In addition, ther are blank--backed W575 and Koester Bread, the latter issued during the '21 World Series, and W501.

There are still some unanswered questions about printing issue dates etc. and several of these cards are hard to find

1922 Whitmor Candy? 21ldrtheatre_shea
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1922 Whitmor Candy? Empty Re: 1922 Whitmor Candy?

Post by cmoking Sat Feb 21, 2009 7:34 pm

Thanks Todd!

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1922 Whitmor Candy? Empty Re: 1922 Whitmor Candy?

Post by rhettyeakley Sat Feb 21, 2009 9:43 pm

I actively collect the E121-like cards, and am still upset at Todd for outbidding me on the Leader Theatre card he just showed in the Huggins & Scott auction a year or so ago (Todd, let me know when you get sick of it!)

I bid on the Wheat, but was outbid, Witmor's are tough but that is by far the easiest of the 3 backs to find on the Witmor's (otherwise I would have bid more aggresively).

Below you can see my collection of the E121 backs--still need a Leader Theatre, Standard Biscuit ("80 photographs" back), and the up-to-this-point unique Shotwell back.

My E121-like collection...


Edited because it is "Shotwell" not "Shitwell" mallet

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1922 Whitmor Candy? Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 1001922 Whitmor Candy? Right_bar_bleue

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1922 Whitmor Candy? Empty Re: 1922 Whitmor Candy?

Post by rhettyeakley Sat Feb 21, 2009 9:49 pm

Here are the 3 Witmor backs that Todd described...
1922 Whitmor Candy? Witmorbacks

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1922 Whitmor Candy? Empty Re: 1922 Whitmor Candy?

Post by macbruce11 Sun Feb 22, 2009 12:04 am

A few questions for the e121 back experts. Where do the Holsum Bread backs fit in the ranks of the tough backs? Also, are the Koester Bread part of this group and if so, how can you tell the difference between them and blank backs?

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1922 Whitmor Candy? Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 1001922 Whitmor Candy? Right_bar_bleue

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1922 Whitmor Candy? Empty Re: 1922 Whitmor Candy?

Post by BigGuy219 Thu May 26, 2011 5:43 am

I always find it nice that whenever I google a type I end up back here at Full Count. I was about to start a thread on this type, as I was interested in one that has been made available for sale.

However, after reading the thread, I am now less enthused and think I'll pass.
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1922 Whitmor Candy? Empty Re: 1922 Whitmor Candy?

Post by glenv Thu May 26, 2011 2:14 pm

There's also the 20 Queen City Cigar backs (not quite E121s?): http://bid.robertedwardauctions.com/bidplace.aspx?itemid=18871

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1922 Whitmor Candy? Empty Re: 1922 Whitmor Candy?

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