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Walter Johnson card on ebay "ultra rare"

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Walter Johnson card on ebay "ultra rare" Empty Walter Johnson card on ebay "ultra rare"

Post by zouraspm Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:50 pm


What card is this supposed to depict? What are the chances it's real?
All Star
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Walter Johnson card on ebay "ultra rare" Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Walter Johnson card on ebay "ultra rare" Right_bar_bleue

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Walter Johnson card on ebay "ultra rare" Empty Re: Walter Johnson card on ebay "ultra rare"

Post by glenv Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:10 pm

Looks like a bad reprint of a Texas Tommy type 2, with added black borders.

FC NCAA Bracket Champ
FC NCAA Bracket Champ

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Walter Johnson card on ebay "ultra rare" Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Walter Johnson card on ebay "ultra rare" Right_bar_bleue

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Walter Johnson card on ebay "ultra rare" Empty Re: Walter Johnson card on ebay "ultra rare"

Post by nolemmings Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:29 pm

Looks like a bad reprint of a Texas Tommy type 2, with added black borders.

Hall of Famer
Hall of Famer

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Walter Johnson card on ebay "ultra rare" Left_bar_bleue4 / 1004 / 100Walter Johnson card on ebay "ultra rare" Right_bar_bleue

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Walter Johnson card on ebay "ultra rare" Empty Re: Walter Johnson card on ebay "ultra rare"

Post by cccc Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:33 am

"Although it is my opinion that this card is genuine, I am not a expert and no warranties to its authenticity is implied"

he went the roundabout way to say it's a reprint.
Hall of Famer
Hall of Famer

Posts : 2550
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Walter Johnson card on ebay "ultra rare" Left_bar_bleue15 / 10015 / 100Walter Johnson card on ebay "ultra rare" Right_bar_bleue

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Walter Johnson card on ebay "ultra rare" Empty Re: Walter Johnson card on ebay "ultra rare"

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