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Riddle me this...

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Riddle me this... Empty Riddle me this...

Post by t2069bk Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:56 pm

Is anyone able to provide an easy way to identify what major league team a minor leaguer played for?

The reason I ask is I am focused on T206 and T200 sets, but I dabble in a few type cards here and there. I prefer to have type cards that picture a member of the Cubs on it, but if I want a T210 that is impossible...but I might be able to acquire a card of a player that either did play for previously or will play for the Cubs in a future set.

Short of searching in something like baseball reference player by player, is there a way to determine who someone played for?

Figured I'd post here because this might help someone in the future. Besides this thread looks like it needed a new post (since the last one was in Oct)!
Major Leaguer
Major Leaguer

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Riddle me this... Empty Re: Riddle me this...

Post by sabrjay Thu Dec 11, 2008 10:13 pm

You are better off working from the Cubs roster and then seeing if those players have cards in the various minor league sets. I forget what exact number is, but there is something like 800+ major leaguers in the Zeenut set, well over 100 in t210 and 30-40 in the t209. Then the is the c46 set and other minor league sets prior to WW2


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Riddle me this... Empty Re: Riddle me this...

Post by t2069bk Fri Dec 12, 2008 1:17 am

Thanks Jay! I was just hoping there would be something out there to prevent searching rosters and then cross referencing sets. Maybe I should look into getting the Standard Catalog on CD ... better to get a typing cramp than a paper cut!!!!!
Major Leaguer
Major Leaguer

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