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joss autograph

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joss autograph Empty joss autograph

Post by t206head Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:49 pm

I was just wondering if anyone ever came across anything signed by addie joss? With such a short career and life it seem almost impossible that more than a hand full could have survived thanks BOB

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joss autograph Empty Re: joss autograph

Post by crazylocomerk Thu Nov 06, 2008 6:10 pm

This was the only item I've been able to come across, and it's pretty rough.

signed baseball

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joss autograph Empty Re: joss autograph

Post by fisherboy7 Thu Nov 06, 2008 8:21 pm

crazylocomerk wrote:signed baseball
That's a great ball; too bad Joss's sig isn't on it ("Addie Joss Day" was a commemorative game held several months after his death). There are several other highly desirable sigs there though, like Joe Jackson.

I don't recall seeing any legit Joss signatures, but I'm guessing they exist and are extremely rare/expensive/sought after.

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joss autograph Empty Re: joss autograph

Post by crazylocomerk Thu Nov 06, 2008 8:24 pm

Ah....thanks Ben. Too quick to answer. I didn't read the description and just saw Addie Joss on the ball.

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joss autograph Empty I came across one at an estate sale a few years ago

Post by MattNC Mon Jul 06, 2009 3:15 am

A man who was supposedly a fairly major memorabilia dealer beginning in the 60's had kept it in his personal collection and according to his family swore by its authenticity, though I've never took steps to send it to PSA or anything. I'd be happy to try and get a picture on here if anyone's still interested, I know this is an old post. It's on the corner of a piece of stationary and reads "Addie Joss, Cleveland '10." I've been trying to find something to compare it to on the internet with no luck.

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

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