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top 10 cards in the hobby

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top 10 cards in the hobby Empty top 10 cards in the hobby

Post by sabrjay Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:29 am

The other thread got me thinking about this: Rate in order, 1-5 what you think are the top 5 cards in the hobby. I'm going to use a weighted scale similar to what F1 racing uses for it's standings.

1. t206 Wagner
2. Balt News Ruth
3. t210 Jackson
4. n172 Anson in uniform
5. Tin Top Thorpe
6. e107 Mathewson
7. Four Base Hit Kelley
8. 1933 Lajoie
9. t206 Plank
10. e90-1 Mitchell


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top 10 cards in the hobby Empty Re: top 10 cards in the hobby

Post by fisherboy7 Tue Jan 08, 2008 6:39 am

Really hard for me to narrow this down, but here it goes...

1. T206 Wagner
2. Just So Young
3. N172 Anson in uniform
4. Baltimore News Ruth
5. T210 Jackson
6. 1869 Peck & Snider Red Stockings
7. G&B Spaulding
8. Four Base Hits Kelly
9. T206 Cobb/Cobb back
10. 1912 Boston Garter Matty/Johnson

Honorable mention: Red Stocking Cigar Radbourn, Cabanas Pete Hill, T4 Weaver, T206 Plank, 1910 Punch Cobb, E107 Wagner/Matty, Texas Tommy Jackson, N167 Ewing/Keefe, Kalamazoo Bats Ewing/Keefe.

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top 10 cards in the hobby Empty Re: top 10 cards in the hobby

Post by scott elkins Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:46 am

1. T206 Wagner
2. Just So Young Rookie
3. Baltimore News Ruth Pre-Rookie
4. T210 Joe Jackson
5. N172 Old Judge Anson In Uniform
6. E90-1 Joe Jackson Rookie (NOT b/c I once owned several either - I sold/traded almost all of them! B/c the card is really a "miracle" card, as Jackson only played a handful of games with the A's before being sent to the minors and traded).
7. 1869 P&S Red Stocking (considered the first true BB card for years in the Hobby!).
8. Ty Cobb with Ty Cobb Back
9. T206 Uzit Cobb Bat Off Shoulder (my personal Favorite, as I have been a "back collector" off and on for more years than a lot of people have been collecting - well into the double digits in years).
10. T206 Doyle (Like this card or not, it is from the most popular and widely collected Vintage set and the late Larry Fritsch (RIP) really made this card what it is today. Without Larry looking for this card with all of his ads buying all T206 Doyle Hands Over Head variations and later publicizing this error, this card would probably simply be another T206 error - in the same cat. as those cards missing Red ink. Instead, it is the easily the SECOND MOST EXPENSIVE T206 card in existence!!!).

I tried to explain some of my choices (before Jay said I was an idiot). Seriously, I cannot wait to see other members' lists, as a lot of these will vary widely. It would be a dull world if we all thought alike! What might be an even better thread (with more diversity in choices) would be one about each member's TOP TEN cards! Unlike a Top Ten of the Hobby, this list would be even more diverse and we would get some of the more beautiful cards in the list - the E92 Magee and Oakes, T3 Cobb and some of the other beautiful cards in the Hobby!

scott elkins

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top 10 cards in the hobby Empty well...

Post by Square_Frame_Ramly Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:59 am

1) T206 Wagner

2) Balt. news Ruth

3) M101-4 Ruth Rookie

4) E107 Matty/Wagner

5) 1952 Mantle

6) E90-1 Jackson

7) 1914 Craker Jack Matty

8) T206 Plank

9) T210 Jackson

10) Any of the 6 T204 Square frame ramly cards Very Happy

P.s. thats weird, i listed T206 Plank as my #8 spot and a smiley face comes up instead of an 8, how the heck did that happen?
FC NCAA Bracket Champ
FC NCAA Bracket Champ

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top 10 cards in the hobby Empty Re: top 10 cards in the hobby

Post by scott elkins Tue Jan 08, 2008 12:02 pm

Mark, the same thing happened to me on the top ten list I sarted. Rolling Eyes

scott elkins

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top 10 cards in the hobby Empty Re: top 10 cards in the hobby

Post by fisherboy7 Tue Jan 08, 2008 1:32 pm

scott elkins wrote:Mark, the same thing happened to me on the top ten list I sarted. Rolling Eyes

Fixed. It was because the type written shortcut for the sunglasses smiley was "8)". Laughing

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top 10 cards in the hobby Empty Re: top 10 cards in the hobby

Post by psacollector Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:15 pm

Balt News Babe Ruth
T210 Joe Jackson
E107 Honus Wagner
E107 Mathewson
T204 Walter Johnson
M101-4 Babe Ruth
Cobb w/ Cobb back
Billiken Oscar Charleston
E135 Rogers Hornsby
T206 Honus Wagner
All Star
All Star

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