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scott elkins
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Links? Empty Links?

Post by ItsOnlyGil Wed Jan 02, 2008 12:16 am

There are other forums of interest to our members.
It would increase user convenience if a link utility was added to this site to simplify switching between forums.
Until tonight, I did not realize that Dan McKee started a Forum about six months ago.
Our forum can benefit from linking as many quality sites to ours as feasible.
I do not think that other forums should be viewed as competition, but as allies.

There are auctions, dealer sites and other links which could be useful as well. What do you think?

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Links? Empty Re: Links?

Post by fisherboy7 Wed Jan 02, 2008 12:56 am

Putting up a links page won't be hard to do, Gil. I'm all for linking to collector sites. In fact, there is a place in everyone's profile to put a link to one's own website. Once you do that, the link shows up in an icon that looks like this: Links? Icon_c10 in each post you make just under your username. Linking ourselves to informational sites is something I'd be in favor of as well.

I guess the question is whether Full Count wants to ally itself with dealer and auction sites. The Net 54 links page is about as comprehensive as it gets when it comes to commercial links, and I'm sure everyone on Full Count is aware of that links page. With Full Count currently being unaligned with any sort of business, the question of whether we'd want to make the next step is something we'd need to discuss as a group.

Last edited by on Wed Jan 02, 2008 1:29 am; edited 1 time in total

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Links? Empty Re: Links?

Post by ItsOnlyGil Wed Jan 02, 2008 1:23 am

That is an important point, Ben, which I overlooked. Specifically, the alignment with businesses. In part because such an "alignment" infers approval. With the associated onerous task of monitoring their actions, and potentially removing some from our alignment/approval.

This may be an administrator level decision, independent of what the membership thinks.

Mad Laughing Shocked

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Links? Empty Re: Links?

Post by scott elkins Wed Jan 02, 2008 3:26 am

Personally, I see no problem with links to members' websites. However, we certainly don't want any links to businesses I believe, as that was one of our "chief complaints" with Net 54 - advertising. Thought it would be free, still, if you put one business' link up, you really have to put all of them.........and there are a few I would advise new collectors to stay away from.

scott elkins

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Links? Empty Re: Links?

Post by fisherboy7 Wed Jan 02, 2008 10:08 pm

I agree, Scott. I think the forum avoids a lot of potential issues by functioning autonomously. Of course we are free to discuss anything we like about various dealers and auction houses. We even have a separate category for that on our forum. And everyone is encouraged to link our personal websites in our user profiles for easy access. But as Scott mentioned, if we were to align ourselves with businesses via a links page, that would seem to undermine some of the core values here. Gil's suggestion is much appreciated, and I understand the reasoning behind it, but I think we might be better off keeping things as they are currently.

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Links? Empty Re: Links?

Post by sabrjay Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:30 am

I agree. There really is no need for a links page or thread. There pleny of resources out there already and if someone is having a hard time finding a perticular link, there certainly isn't any problem with posting REA or anyone else's link if someone asks for it.


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Links? Empty Re: Links?

Post by r337man Tue Jan 08, 2008 12:42 am

Dan Mckee is a jerk and I wouldn't link to his board ever! Actually I started that to try to get away from the slab happy frenzy that seemed to be taking place on Net54. I failed as I really didn't have the time to put into advertising it. This board is GREAT! A bunch of familiar friends with the actual collecting of cards a priority instead of what number is on a slab.

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Links? Empty Re: Links?

Post by fisherboy7 Tue Jan 08, 2008 1:06 am

I know for a fact that a lot of people here feel the same way you do, Dan (myself included). As more of the familiar faces join up, the new edition Full Count forum is starting to take on the 'feel' of the old net 54 forum. We are extremely happy to have you and all your knowledge here!

Hey, let's do a trade or two sometime down the line 8)

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Links? Empty Re: Links?

Post by onlychild Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:47 am

I agree as well.

Hell, you guys pretty much gave me an entire section with several threads. Not one has a link,which is fine with me. Hey, just noticed my name is not even in definition line like the old site. I'm nameless and linkless...LOL!!!!!

All the best,

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Links? Empty Re: Links?

Post by the-illini Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:32 pm

I would vote no as well. If you want to post your individual website you can do it in your user ID and/or in a signature, and it is pretty easy to find dealer and auction house links outside of this site if you need to.

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Links? Empty Re: Links?

Post by r337man Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:45 pm

Well put Chris and I must agree with you about the links.

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Links? Empty Re: Links?

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