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Is baseball dying? (good article)

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Is baseball dying? (good article) Empty Is baseball dying? (good article)

Post by sabrjay Tue Sep 09, 2014 4:42 pm


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Is baseball dying? (good article) Empty Re: Is baseball dying? (good article)

Post by cccc Fri Sep 12, 2014 9:22 pm

personally, from where i'm sitting baseball IS dying. because of the stupid regional networks popping up i haven't been able to watch the dodgers on TV this year. times warner (owns the doyers tv rights) won't negotiate with direct tv and me as a d-tv subscriber is left with no baseball.

also baseball has managed to do a pretty good job of killing itself...the persecution of ped users that leaves a whole generational gap of history. we have no more baseball heroes to look up to...i'm sure they'll manage to dig up some dirt on mike trout or clayton kershaw in a couple years. the stupid, self-policing of witholding any fun from the game (bat flip, staredown, smack talk, slow-trotting, chewing gum wrong will get u a high heater to ur back).

baseball started as a white sport with all these ridiculous unwritten rules that has somehow survived these 100+ years...PLEASE, just let people have some fun and maybe it'll translate better with the kids. who wants to see a bunch of emotionless, sullen, chappy out of shape guys getting bitter about every perceived slights. i'm the biggest baseball fan you'll find and even i get disgusted with the game sometimes. hopefully manfred will surprise me like adam silver and bring in some new ideas into this boring game.
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Is baseball dying? (good article) Empty Re: Is baseball dying? (good article)

Post by sabrjay Mon Sep 15, 2014 1:02 am

A good source for sports is wiziwig dot com. You can watch pretty much any sporting event live from around the world. So you start watching goat polo again beer

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