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Cards that never come up for sale

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Cards that never come up for sale Empty Cards that never come up for sale

Post by ullmandds Tue Jan 21, 2014 2:57 am

I have been searching for an E97 Nichols phil variation...the color one...not the b/w. I've seen maybe 4-5 over the last decade or 2 come up...but have not seen one in a long time!

What other cards...besides the obvious super rarities...just don't seem to come onto the market very often?
East Coast

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Cards that never come up for sale Empty Re: Cards that never come up for sale

Post by r337man Tue Jan 21, 2014 2:04 pm

Took me close to 30 years to find the darn D304 Herzog with bar! I was wondering if it existed and ran a thread on NET54 a few years back and like 5 members each had 1! Ugh!

I was wondering how I missed so many, then finally got 1.

I thought I saw the Nichols on ebay? pose with no hat or is that Kelly?

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Cards that never come up for sale Empty Re: Cards that never come up for sale

Post by ullmandds Tue Jan 21, 2014 2:33 pm

Yeah, Dan...even the e97 nichols, Cleveland version is pretty tough...although that one comes up pseudo regularly...and there has been one on ebay forever...due to the over-exhuberant price tag!
East Coast

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Cards that never come up for sale Empty Re: Cards that never come up for sale

Post by r337man Tue Jan 21, 2014 3:29 pm

I was toying with starting that set but it looks like it will get expensive!

Dad and I sold E cards to get tobacco and Topps and Bowman!

In recent years I completed E95 and E96 for fun and was toying with the idea of E97, I acquired 4 of them but sold them through Brockelman and Luckey a few years back.

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Cards that never come up for sale Empty Re: Cards that never come up for sale

Post by ullmandds Tue Jan 21, 2014 3:40 pm

E97 keeler...the sullivan, nichols variations will make it tougher/spendier?
East Coast

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Cards that never come up for sale Empty Re: Cards that never come up for sale

Post by sabrjay Tue Jan 21, 2014 4:28 pm

In my 30+ years in the hobby I don't recall ever seeing the n172 Anson in uniform for sale publicly.

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Cards that never come up for sale Empty Re: Cards that never come up for sale

Post by fisherboy7 Tue Jan 21, 2014 4:32 pm

N172 Kid Madden (leaning on rock)

N172 Williamson (wearing top hat)

try even finding scans of those two....

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Cards that never come up for sale Empty Re: Cards that never come up for sale

Post by sabrjay Tue Jan 21, 2014 5:20 pm

Didn't someone find a Madden on the rock a few years back in an original collection?

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Cards that never come up for sale Empty Re: Cards that never come up for sale

Post by Griffins Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:40 am

sabrjay wrote:In my 30+ years in the hobby I don't recall ever seeing the n172 Anson in uniform for sale publicly.

Anson in Uniform was in a Lipset auction around 2002.

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

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Cards that never come up for sale Empty Re: Cards that never come up for sale

Post by ullmandds Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:51 am

Yup...sold for 66.5k.
East Coast

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Cards that never come up for sale Empty Re: Cards that never come up for sale

Post by sabrjay Wed Jan 22, 2014 4:43 pm

I was completely out of the hobby from 1992-2002, so that would explain why I didn't see the Anson. Scary to think what that card would go for today.

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