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what grade?

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what grade? Empty what grade?

Post by sabrjay Thu Jul 11, 2013 3:11 pm

Saw this is the latest Goodwin auction. How did this get a PSA4? It has paper loss on the font that even a chimp can't miss.

PSA4 Thorpe

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what grade? Empty Re: what grade?

Post by nolemmings Thu Jul 11, 2013 5:05 pm


I agree with you on the grade, but I'm not sure those marks on his chest are paper loss, at least as it's usually encountered/dealt with by TPGs.
They are certainly surface blemishes of some type and their location is unfortunate on this card, but they just look different to me- like some sort of gloss damage or other defect I can't very well describe.

Here are two that suffer from similar damage that came up in the last Goodwin auction:
what grade? 42-11a_lg
what grade? 42-9a_lg

The damage is not exactly the same, but I think it's treated the same.
Here's a Successful Farming card I won raw years ago that has a couple of "contact point" abrasions, a small one on the hip and a more noticeable one on the knee:
what grade? 16m1015herzog_sf
The Thorpe card looks to have damage somewhat in the middle of the Green-Joyce cards and my SF card.
what grade? 43-27a_lg

Again though, I think the grade is high and the flaw distracting--but it is Thorpe!!
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what grade? Empty Re: what grade?

Post by cccc Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:38 pm

yea i don't think they're paper loss.  i had a group of these M cards one time and i think a couple suffered the same thing, just some printing defect i chalked it up to.

bleh i've seen worse 4s
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what grade? Empty Re: what grade?

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