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FS: V128 Paulin's Hockey

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FS: V128 Paulin's Hockey Empty FS: V128 Paulin's Hockey

Post by Bosox Blair Sun Nov 11, 2012 10:12 am

Hi Folks,

In the process of building my Paulin's set I have acquired some duplicates, so I thought I'd list some for sale.

All of these cards are the "Stamp Redemption" variety, meaning that the company redeemed the cards for a prize 90 years ago and put an ink stamp on the back to ensure the cards were not re-submitted for another prize.

Here are the cards, PSA grades and prices (not including shipping):

#3 - Jack Hughes, PSA 2 - $55
#4 - Errol Gillis, PSA 2 - $55
#5 - Cecil Browne, PSA 3 - $110
#8 - Fred Comfort, PSA 2.5 - $85
#13 - Daddy Dalman, PSA 2 (small paper loss on front) - $50
#25 - Jack Asseltine, PSA 3 - $120
#40 - Laurie Scott, PSA 1.5 - $45
#43 - Joe McCormick, PSA 2 - $55
#47 - Johnny Sheppard, PSA 3 - $120
#55 - Clucker White, PSA 3 - $120
#56 - Bob Armstrong, PSA 3 - $120

I can accept Paypal. I have scans of all cards available.

Thanks for looking!

Bosox Blair
Bosox Blair

Posts : 1068
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FS: V128 Paulin's Hockey Left_bar_bleue12 / 10012 / 100FS: V128 Paulin's Hockey Right_bar_bleue

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