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"Honus" Wagner cards?

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"Honus" Wagner cards? Empty "Honus" Wagner cards?

Post by BigGuy219 Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:54 am

The board has recently seen several Wagner acquisitions. Several of these print "Hans" Wagner, or simply Wagner.

I've seen a lot of "Hans" Wagner cards, plenty of Wagner cards, even a John Wagner card.

But did any pre-war issues print Honus Wagner?
All-Time Greats Champion

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"Honus" Wagner cards? Empty Re: "Honus" Wagner cards?

Post by ullmandds Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:39 pm

That's a really interesting point...off hand I can't think of any examples...but I did find this image...not mine...not hans...or john...but HON-AS?!?!?! Maybe later on in his career "Honus"/"Honas" was more commonly used????!
[img]"Honus" Wagner cards? Honas10[/img]
East Coast

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"Honus" Wagner cards? Left_bar_bleue4 / 1004 / 100"Honus" Wagner cards? Right_bar_bleue

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"Honus" Wagner cards? Empty Re: "Honus" Wagner cards?

Post by terjung Fri Aug 17, 2012 6:05 pm

Based on what I've seen, his cards didn't regularly refer to him as Honus until after his playing days - once he was coaching.

The misspelling in the PC796 above is the earliest card example I know of where he was called Honus. His 1911 D304 (Brunners Bread and the like) are the second that I am aware of - and the first where they spelled it correctly.

He is regularly called Hans with a few John examples or John "Hans" thrown in for good measure.

A lot of cards just identify him as Wagner though, so there is no telling what they would have put for his first name on those.

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"Honus" Wagner cards? Left_bar_bleue8 / 1008 / 100"Honus" Wagner cards? Right_bar_bleue

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"Honus" Wagner cards? Empty Re: "Honus" Wagner cards?

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