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Cards Win The Wildcard!! Atlanta - Monumental FAIL!

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Cards Win The Wildcard!! Atlanta - Monumental FAIL! Empty Cards Win The Wildcard!! Atlanta - Monumental FAIL!

Post by browncow75 Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:13 am

As a lifelong Cardinals fan, I just have to congratulate my team for staying strong for all 162! Atlanta, sorry to say it, but wow, that was one helluva choke. STL has choked in the recent past, so I wont be TOO hard on ya!

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Cards Win The Wildcard!! Atlanta - Monumental FAIL! Left_bar_bleue5 / 1005 / 100Cards Win The Wildcard!! Atlanta - Monumental FAIL! Right_bar_bleue

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Cards Win The Wildcard!! Atlanta - Monumental FAIL! Empty Re: Cards Win The Wildcard!! Atlanta - Monumental FAIL!

Post by yawie99 Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:17 am

I thought we were dead after that disastrous 9th inning against the Mets. Great, great comeback!

Of course, we proceeded to get our butts kicked in Game 1, but hopefully tonight will be better.

Posts : 278
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Cards Win The Wildcard!! Atlanta - Monumental FAIL! Left_bar_bleue10 / 10010 / 100Cards Win The Wildcard!! Atlanta - Monumental FAIL! Right_bar_bleue


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