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Prison Break

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Prison Break Empty Prison Break

Post by sabrjay Sat Sep 03, 2011 8:48 pm

Anyone else watch this show? It's really good. Mona and I started watching it from the first episode and just got to the point where you learn one of the characters, "Tweener", ended up in prison for grand larceny because he stole a baseball card collection to get some party money and the collection included a $300k Honus Wagner card. I can't imagine there are too many Wagner owners out there that keep the card lying around the house. The ones I know certainly don't.

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Prison Break Empty Re: Prison Break

Post by terjung Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:19 am

Watched the first season of Prison Break. We don't get into a ton of TV shows, but really liked it. I had forgotten that there was a baseball card reference in it.

Currently, my must see show is Breaking Bad. Incredible show! If you are inclined to watch though, I suggest you start at the beginning of Season 1. Entirely worth it. (Alas... no T206 references in this show though)

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Prison Break Empty Re: Prison Break

Post by sabrjay Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:35 am

The wife and I totally agree, Breaking Bad is the best show out there right now. Sons of Anarchy is another favorite. We just started watching Big Bang Theory last year so we have been catching up watching the dvds. Best comedy to hit TV since Married with Children. Even if you don't get the geek humor, the show is still very funny. Sheldon is riot and the wife can't stop giggling any time he starts to make those crazy facial expressions and tics.

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Prison Break Empty Re: Prison Break

Post by Square_Frame_Ramly Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:33 am

Never seen Prison Break. But my must see shows,

1) Breaking Bad
2) Sons of Anarchey
3) Southland
4) Mad Men
5) Rescue me

Can't stand reality shows or any ABC, CBS, NBC programs at prime time.
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