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21: Premier Issue - Jewish Baseball Pioneers & All-Stars

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21: Premier Issue - Jewish Baseball Pioneers & All-Stars Empty 21: Premier Issue - Jewish Baseball Pioneers & All-Stars

Post by jerseygary Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:14 pm

21: Premier Issue - Jewish Baseball Pioneers & All-Stars 21ad1

As a spin-off of my baseball history blog "The Infinite Baseball Card Set" (I've shown a few of the cards I've done on this forum before) I have started a little journal called "21: The Illustrated Journal of Outsider Baseball." Each new issue will be a 20 page themed journal featuring 14 or more original illustrations and stories like I've been writing/illustrating on the Infinite Baseball Card Set blog. The premier issue's theme is "Jewish Baseball Pioneers & Stars" and features 14 original drawings and stories exploring the contribution Jewish players have made to the history of the game. Sure there's Moe Berg, Hank Greenberg and Sandy Koufax in this issue, but I also tried to introduce players that might not be that familiar but have not-the-less had an impact on the game's history.

The players featured and illustrated are as follows:
Lipman Pike - 1866 Philadelphia Athletics
Jake Atz - 1902 New Orleans Pelicans
Abel Kiviat - 1912 Olymics
Guy Zinn - 1914 Baltimore Terrapins
Al Schacht - 1919 Jersey City Skeeters
Mose Solomon - 1923 Hutchinson Wheat Shockers
Jimmie Reese - 1927 Oakland Oaks
Hank Greenberg - 1929 Brooklyn Bay Parkways
Coon Rosen - 1934 Friedman Boosters
Moe Berg - 1934 Major League All-Stars
Moe Franklin - 1946 Tampico Alijadores
Sam Nahem - 1946 Brooklyn Bushwicks
Mickey Rutner - 1950 Toronto Maple Leafs
Sandy Koufax - 1953 Coney Island Parkviews

The journal is printed on glossy card stock and the illustrations are printed front and back, in eye-catching full color. This little book actually exceeds all my expectations and I'm very proud to unveil it today. Although this issue was written and illustrated solely by me, the future editions will be in conjunction with Scott Simkus, a fellow writer and researcher who shares my interest in the forgotten nooks and crannies of baseball history. Together we are finishing up the second issue of 21 which will be an in-depth look at the 1933 Pittsburgh Crawfords and will feature never-before seen statistics and 17 original illustrations.

21: The Illustrated Journal of Outsider Baseball is $25 (shipping and handling included) and can be purchased at my website: www.infinitecardset.blogspot.com

(Many thanks to the moderators for allowing me to post this!)

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

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