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How were Caramel cards distributed?

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How were Caramel cards distributed? Empty How were Caramel cards distributed?

Post by bowlingshoeguy Tue Jun 01, 2010 3:38 am

We all know that tobacco cards were distributed in packs or pouches, but how were the caramel cards distrbuted? Was it the same for all companies or did they each have there own way of distributing?

Sultan of the Cycle Back
Sultan of the Cycle Back

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How were Caramel cards distributed? Empty Re: How were Caramel cards distributed?

Post by cccc Tue Jun 01, 2010 4:54 am

unlike the T stuff lee, we haven't found many packing materials for alot of the caramel issues, so it's hard to say. we know about some easy ones like cracker jack box, colgan chips, e105 mello mints (folded card like the pack), and some e92 croft cocoa jars (i still don't think that's how the card came?).

some of them could've been passed out like promotional items also, like the e98s with the OLD PUT stamp or the e101 with the infamous NIAGARA BAKING stamp. most of them do have the stains so we can deduce that it must've come into contact with the product somehow tho. rman has alot of these packaging so he probably knows alot more.

p.s. GO HAWKs (almost sprained my ankle jumping on the bandwagon so late)
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How were Caramel cards distributed? Empty Re: How were Caramel cards distributed?

Post by canjond Tue Jun 01, 2010 7:53 pm

Aside from the ones you mentioned above, the only other one I can think of where the packaging is known are JuJu Drums. Of course, some e-cards were actually part of the candybox, itself.
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