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Derek Jeter's hat...

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Derek Jeter's hat... Empty Derek Jeter's hat...

Post by Square_Frame_Ramly Thu Nov 26, 2009 11:35 am

I was playing poker last night and seen a friend of mine i have not seen in a while. We were talking about the time he was at a Yankees game and derek Jeter dove into the stands to get the fly ball. well, turned out my friend was right there (circled in black below) and when Jeter's hat came off he reached down and stuffed it under his shirt. If you watch the a video of the event you can see Jeter being helped out of stands without his hat.

Well, he was offered $20,000 for the hat but turned the guy DOWN!! My friend says he will keep it until offered an amount he can't refuse. I guess he has a point since the event was and still is talked about and he does have proof it real. Myself, i would have sold it since i am a Redsox fan...The hat reads "#2 Jeter" inside.
Derek Jeter's hat... Derek-10Derek Jeter's hat... Jeter-10Derek Jeter's hat... Jeter-11
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Derek Jeter's hat... Empty Re: Derek Jeter's hat...

Post by bowlingshoeguy Thu Nov 26, 2009 5:27 pm

Too funny, now this serious question. If Jeter knew he had the hat and wanted it back, is it his right to get it back. I hope not they make enough money anyways and it seems he found an appropriate replacement.

Sultan of the Cycle Back
Sultan of the Cycle Back

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Derek Jeter's hat... Empty Re: Derek Jeter's hat...

Post by terjung Fri Nov 27, 2009 5:37 am

Offered $20k and turned it down??? Wow. He must really like the hat. I'm not saying that I don't believe him (no reason not to believe the story), but seeing his face in that picture and seeing Jeter post-dive without his hat isn't really proof that the hat was the one Jeter was wearing. It provides compelling evidence that Jeter's hat was lost during the play, but not in whose hands it ended up.

That said, if it were me, I would have taken the $20k in a heartbeat. What did Babe Ruth's Yankees game-worn hat in the last REA bring? I think it was $100k, but that hat is 1 of 5 thought to survive (with one being in the HOF). I find it hard to believe that any game worn hat by Derek Jeter (regardless of the memorability of the play in which he lost it) would be worth a fraction of that. I think $100k is a crap load of money to pay for a hat, but uniform collection is a whole different realm than I am accustomed to dealing with.

As an aside... that Jeter hat is a pretty cool souvenir... one that makes for great cocktail fodder!

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Derek Jeter's hat... Empty I would...

Post by Square_Frame_Ramly Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:24 pm

agree there would be doubt with just pictures but there was also film showing my friend bending down and actually slipping it under if i am correct. He did show me video a while back but i would have to do a google search to find it.

FC NCAA Bracket Champ
FC NCAA Bracket Champ

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Derek Jeter's hat... Empty Re: Derek Jeter's hat...

Post by bowlingshoeguy Fri Nov 27, 2009 5:29 pm

I checked youtube and the video there didn't show anything, but I am sure there was other angles.
Sultan of the Cycle Back
Sultan of the Cycle Back

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