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Why so much?

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Why so much? Empty Why so much?

Post by sabrjay Thu Jan 31, 2008 2:19 am

I know I haven't really looked at eBay in 6 months but is this how much these cards are going for now? Or is this a case of two people really wanting the card? It's not slabbed so I'm guessing that's not the reason.



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Why so much? Empty Re: Why so much?

Post by ItsOnlyGil Thu Jan 31, 2008 2:29 am

You've got three bidders within the top $3 spread. This is not two thick heads. (Although maybe 3).

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Why so much? Empty Re: Why so much?

Post by scott elkins Thu Jan 31, 2008 4:17 am

E120's have risen drastically for around two years now, as there are quite a few set collectors out there now attempting the set. I remember selling some VG range horizontals for over $200 each (after paying between $16 and $30 for them a few months before the set took off).

scott elkins

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