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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Jim Rivera cfc1909
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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary Empty T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Post by fisherboy7 Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:13 pm

Amazing selection of Cullivans Firesides in the upcoming Legendary auction. Anyone know the back story on these? Has the be the largest single offering of T208's in any major auction. Any predictions on the results?

T208 Plank....drool...anyone wanna loan me some dineros? T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary 601991

T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary 10295612T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary 10295613

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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary Empty Re: T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Post by sabrjay Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:19 pm

My guess would be about $200k-250k, but with the current economy, it could be much less. If I were a betting man, I'd say KO and some other whale is going to be dukeing it out for this set and it won't go cheap.


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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary Empty Re: T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Post by Jim Rivera cfc1909 Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:27 pm

there are going to be 15 more in REA in April.
Jim Rivera cfc1909
Jim Rivera cfc1909

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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary Empty Re: T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Post by cccc Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:42 am

may be blasphemous but i'm coming to the conclusion the t208s might be hugely overrated...probably because i'm just not a back collector.
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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary Empty Re: T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Post by sabrjay Mon Nov 09, 2009 3:30 pm

Firesides are very rare, but a few years ago, I knew of a collector that had around 25 of them without a complete set. He was holding the extras as trade bait for the 2 cards he needed. With one other complete set supposedly out there. Zach could confirm if the set up for sale is the one he knows about or not, that would put 60 cards in hands of 3 people. Most people thought there might be only about 5 of each player in existence, me included. This would mean that 2/3 of all Firesides are in these 3 colelctions. I am being to rethink that and raise that number to maybe 10 per card. These are cards that tend to disappear into collections for a very long time, so you rarely see them offered for sale thus making them seem even more elusive.


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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary Empty Re: T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Post by fisherboy7 Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:39 pm

sabrjay wrote:My guess would be about $200k-250k, but with the current economy, it could be much less.

I'm inclined to agree with your estimate Jay, but because the cards are being offered individually, there could be some surprises (for better or for worse). The Plank alone could go for 40-50k ish if the right people are bidding.

Jim R - re: the 15 T208's that are being offered in REA, do you know any details about the players/condition? Are they from the same grouping as these?

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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary Empty Re: T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Post by sabrjay Tue Nov 10, 2009 4:10 am

I didn't realize that they were being offered individually. That will certainly make things interesting. The people that are close to completing the set will most likely pay huge to get the last card or two they and the type card collectors will ensure that no card is neglected as no one will want to let anyone get one of these cheap.

I'm just amazed that there are still collectors out there that would trust their cards with Mastro/Legendary.


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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary Empty Re: T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Post by ullmandds Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:08 pm

I don't know a whole lot about these cards...as I've never owned any...and have seen very few for sale over the years...but...if as y'all estimate there may be approximately 10 copies of each card out there...that makes them on rarity par with T213-I's, T214 Victories, T215-I's, some t206 back rarities...and others...which aren't perceived as "that" rare?
East Coast

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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary Empty Re: T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Post by sabrjay Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:44 pm

Most of those cards you've listed are on a par with the rarity of t208s. They just don't have the glamour of the t208 which has been considered among the 10 rarest type cards since the early days of the hobby. With only 18 cards in the set, the total population of t208s is much smaller than the sets you listed, but those sets are about equivalent on rarity if you go pose by pose.


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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary Empty Re: T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Post by ullmandds Tue Nov 10, 2009 8:23 pm

Jay...agreed! SO maybe on par with d359's...both Williams and Rochester...and less rare than nadja type III's.
East Coast

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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary Empty Re: T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Post by fisherboy7 Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:03 pm

I dunno Pete, even after the recent flood of T208's, I'd say they're still well above D359's on the scarcity list. T213-1 and T215-1 too. There have literally been no more than 1-2 T208's auctioned in years.

T214 is likely close, those are super tough on a per card basis, but T208 is still tougher imo.

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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary Empty Re: T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Post by ullmandds Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:11 pm

Does anyone know what "cullivan's Fireside is/was?" sounds like a restaurant...or a lodge? Yeah...I suppose definitely more rare than d359's...I just have a hard time believing there aren't a bunch hidden out there...somewhere...like almost everything!!!
East Coast

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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary Empty Re: T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Post by sabrjay Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:21 pm

It was a tobacco company. With a logo like PLAIN SCRAP, I can't imagine it went over too well and might explain the scarcity.

In regards to e104 type 3s, I wouldn't be surprised if the total population isn't about the same as t208s. In my years of collecting, I've seen more t208s than e104 type 3s.


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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary Empty Re: T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Post by Jim Rivera cfc1909 Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:11 pm


Don't know the condition or players in REA but I do know that the consignor of Legendarys saw the final of the one offered at the House of Blues ( Legendarys live auction site at the National) and desided to consign his complete set. This was Dygart-around 22k for a 3.

First one offered in some time and brought big money-Legendary commons wont do that well but still very good for a back that doesn't seem that rare now.

My table was next to Legendays at the Philly show so I go a good look at the complete set all weekend. The Mack was the worst -a 1 and the rest were good to vg and one was a 4.5.
Jim Rivera cfc1909
Jim Rivera cfc1909

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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary Empty Re: T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Post by Jim Rivera cfc1909 Wed Nov 11, 2009 6:37 pm

got my Legendary catalog today -the Collins is the 4.5
Jim Rivera cfc1909
Jim Rivera cfc1909

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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary Empty Re: T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Post by william768 Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:36 am

Less than 1 day left for auction close on these T-208's.The prices are pretty low in my opinion.I don't think they will go for outrageous money.

What do you guys think the cheapest ones will go for? I am thinking under 4K unless some crazies get into a bidding war for them.If the big bucks crazies get into a bidding war to buy the complete set 1 by 1 it could go to the stratosphere.But the economy being the way it is with business and personal credit really tight i am not sure they will go to 200k +.The thing about these cards is most people would probably collect them for type card and not trying to complete a set.It should be interesting to watch tomorrow. What do you guys think?

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary Empty Re: T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Post by sabrjay Wed Nov 18, 2009 2:08 pm

I am sure Olbermann and one or two others will be trying to acquire the cards they need to finish their set. If there is no overlap, then prices won't get too crazy, but if there is, watch out. Those cards won't go cheap. These cards are desirable enough that I doubt these low prices will remain to the end and no deals will be found. There are enough collectors out the that like to "protect" their investments that if anything is deemed cheap, they will be running up the price.


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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary Empty Re: T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Post by william768 Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:15 pm

Thanks sabrjay.I was curious because i have a couple of bids in.I am not high bidder but i can go higher.But i am not willing to go no where near the 22K(outrageous in my opinion) like the last one that sold i think at a mastro/legendary auction this year.I know 1 of the big whales( a California guy) recently sold his Super high grade D304 set at auction and might not be collecting right now.

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary Empty Re: T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Post by sabrjay Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:26 pm

I was told that the last single that sold was the last card needed to complete a set. From what I understand this card is on the want list of most people working on the set. This created the huge price and will probably get a decent price again, but nowhere near the $22k.


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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary Empty Re: T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Post by sabrjay Wed Nov 18, 2009 5:53 pm

I just went and took a look at the auction for the first time. I realize that the auction isn't closed yet, but with 12 or so hours left, those are some pretty soft prices across the board, especially the t208s. The close of the auction will be interesting to watch. If you want proof that one segment of collecting is dead, the Star Wars lot is barely above minimum bid.


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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary Empty Re: T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Post by zouraspm Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:24 pm

My hopes of scoring a t208 type for less than a k are quickly fading. At least I can say that I was a high bidder on one.
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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary Empty Re: T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Post by psacollector Wed Nov 18, 2009 11:07 pm

Don't worry. You will get another shot at owning one in April, when REA auctions another 15 of them.
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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary Empty Re: T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Post by william768 Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:23 am

I am still the high bidder on 1 of them to my surprise.I wonder how crazy will bidding get once the extended bidding starts?

I am looking to get 1 at a reasonable price else i will wait for REA.This might be a good insight at how weak/strong the market is for rarer type cards.

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary Empty Re: T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Post by william768 Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:33 am

Besides the SGC40 Jimmy Dygert that sold for 20,400, at the Legendary 7/30/09 auction , what other T208's have come up for sale at auction or direct sale in the last few years and what did they go for? Thanks.

Minor Leaguer
Minor Leaguer

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T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary Empty Re: T208 Cullivan's Fireside set in Legendary

Post by glenv Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:34 am

Thought one sold through a major auction house about 3-5 years ago for around 4 grand. I've only seen 3 for sale in the last 10-15 years.

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