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1887 N690-1 Kalamazoo Bats

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1887 N690-1 Kalamazoo Bats Empty 1887 N690-1 Kalamazoo Bats

Post by fisherboy7 Thu Jan 24, 2008 5:25 pm

These sepia toned cards are amongst the most desirable 19th century cards. Charles Gross & Company of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania issued this set comprised of players from four teams: the New York Giants, New York Mets, Philadelphia Athletics, and the Philadelphia Phillies. Several of the cards feature multi-player poses. They are larger than most tobacco cards, measuring 2-1/2 x 4 inches. Some of the backs are blank, while others have an ad offering various premium prizes in exchange for the cards. There are (60) cards in the set.

1887 N690-1 Kalamazoo Bats A102bb11

Here is the N690-1 checklist:

1 George Andrews: Phila.
2 Charlie Bastian, Denny Lyons: Philadelphia
3 Louis Bierbauer: Athletics
4 Louis Bierbauer, Gallagher: Athletics
5 Charlie Buffington: Philadelphia
6 Dan Casey: Phila.
7 Jack Clements: Phila.
8 Roger Connor: New York
9 Larry Corcoran: New York
10 Ed Cushman
11 Pat Deasley
12 Devlin: Phila.
13 Jim Donahue: Mets
14 Mike Dorgan: New York
15 Dude Esterbrooke sic: Mets
16 Buck Ewing New York
17 Sid Farrar: Phila.
18 Charlie Ferguson Philadelphia
19 Jim Fogarty: Phila.
20 Jim Fogarty, James McGuire: Philadelphia
21 Elmer E. Foster: Mets
22 Gibson: Philadelphia
23 Pete Gillespie: New York
24 Tom Gunning: Phila.
25 Art Irwin: Phila.
26 Irwin Capt. and Maul: Philadelphia
27 Tim Keefe
28 Ted Larkin: Athletics
29 Jack Lynch: Mets
30 Denny Lyons: Phila.
31 Denny Lyons, Billy Taylor: Philadelphia
32 Fred Mann: Athletics
33 Charlie Mason Mgr
34 Bobby Mathews: Athletics
35 Al Maul: Philadelphia
36 Al Mays: Mets
37 Jim McGarr
38 James McGuire one hand at chin throwing: Phila
39 James McGuire both hands at chin catching
40 Tom McLaughlin Mets
41 Jocko Milligan Henry Larkin: Athletics
42 Joe Mulvey: Phila.
43 Jack Nelson: Mets
44 Jim O'Rourke: New York
45 Dave Orr: Mets
46 Tom Poorman
47 Danny Richardson New York
48 Wilbert Robinson: Athletics
49 Wilbert Robinson Fred Mann: Athletics
50 James Chief Roseman: Mets
51 Harry Stowe (sic) Stovey hands at hips, standing
52 Harry Stowe (sic) Stovey hands raised, catching
53 Harry Stowe (sic) Jocko Milligan Athletics
54 George Townsend: Athletics
55 George Townsend, Jocko Milligan Athletics
56 John M. Ward
57 Mickey Welch
58 Gus Weyhing
59 Pete Wood: Phila.
60 Harry Wright: Phila. Mgr.

Posts : 4290
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1887 N690-1 Kalamazoo Bats Left_bar_bleue55 / 10055 / 1001887 N690-1 Kalamazoo Bats Right_bar_bleue


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1887 N690-1 Kalamazoo Bats Empty Re: 1887 N690-1 Kalamazoo Bats

Post by fisherboy7 Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:08 pm

Two player pose:

1887 N690-1 Kalamazoo Bats Kbats_bierbauer_gallagher

Posts : 4290
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1887 N690-1 Kalamazoo Bats Left_bar_bleue55 / 10055 / 1001887 N690-1 Kalamazoo Bats Right_bar_bleue


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1887 N690-1 Kalamazoo Bats Empty Re: 1887 N690-1 Kalamazoo Bats

Post by fisherboy7 Thu Feb 14, 2008 2:31 pm

Here's a K-Bat portrait of Mays. All of the Mets players are portraits and are highly sought after by collectors.

1887 N690-1 Kalamazoo Bats Kbats_mays_01

Posts : 4290
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1887 N690-1 Kalamazoo Bats Left_bar_bleue55 / 10055 / 1001887 N690-1 Kalamazoo Bats Right_bar_bleue


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