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If you could only pick one....

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If you could only pick one.... Empty If you could only pick one....

Post by crazylocomerk Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:56 pm

If you could only pick one card from your entire collection as your favorite, what would it be and why? And if you have a scan of the card please show it.

I understand that it's hard to pick just one beloved card, but everyone has to have a favorite right? It doesn't have to be the prettiest card or the rarest card or the most expensive card. Just your favorite.

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If you could only pick one.... Empty Re: If you could only pick one....

Post by asoriano Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:09 pm

Great idea for a post, Eric.

Mine would have to be this:

If you could only pick one.... Scan0012

I purchased this card about three years ago at a local Columbus, Ohio show for $20. For me, this was my first decent "find" at a show and also put my father and myself one step closer to our T205 Master Set.

Fast forward about two years.

I was in shock when the same dealer had this in a stack of tobacco cards with a sticker price of $45:

If you could only pick one.... Scan0013

Although I am no longer in possession of the T206 Murr'y, I have done extensive upgrading to our set with the money. The Moran will always be a reminder of why I love this hobby.

Turner Engle

Last edited by asoriano on Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
Major Leaguer
Major Leaguer

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If you could only pick one.... Empty Re: If you could only pick one....

Post by sabrjay Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:20 pm

No brainer for me, my m101-5 Thorpe. If no one has seen it, I will post the scan if requested.


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If you could only pick one.... Empty Re: If you could only pick one....

Post by TheBig6 Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:14 pm

I am like Jay as one of my N173 Hofers would definately be one of my choices but I have posted them so much I decided for a change of pace to post this card as I really enjoy this card for obvious reasons.
Wild Bill, Ye-Haw & The Peerless Leader
If you could only pick one.... Item_5224_1
The Relic
The Relic

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If you could only pick one.... Empty This 1 for Me

Post by hrbaker Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:46 pm

This single card comes the closest to matching a favorite player with a favorite set.
If you could only pick one.... PlankRosePC

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If you could only pick one.... Empty Re: If you could only pick one....

Post by TheBig6 Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:48 pm

Stunning Plank bow
The Relic
The Relic

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If you could only pick one.... Empty Re: If you could only pick one....

Post by t206head Wed Apr 08, 2009 2:16 am

If you could only pick one.... Sc003b10

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If you could only pick one.... Empty Re: If you could only pick one....

Post by ItsOnlyGil Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:16 pm

I do not have a scan of the exact card, but it is pretty much like this:

For me, the cards are all about the players.
And this player saw himself as the Babe every time he came to bat.
The rest of the world saw him as a player who hit in the .220s, often led the league in Ks (4 of his 6 years), and had less than 500 ABs ieach year.
But he did have his day in the sun!
On July 18, 1948 Pat Seerey stroked four HRs in a game!
Joining Gil Hodges, Lou Gehrig, Ed Delahanty, Chuck Klein, Willie Mays, and others in this small "club".

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If you could only pick one.... Empty Re: If you could only pick one....

Post by crazylocomerk Wed Apr 08, 2009 1:48 pm

This is an odd one for me. But I'd have to say it's this E95 Cicotte.

If you could only pick one.... 1909E95CicotteEdPhiladelphiaCaramel

I don't like the Red Sox. It's not my most expensive card (by a long shot....actually it's probably close to the bottom). E95's are not my favorite set and they don't even have "cool" backs. Cicotte isn't even my favorite player from the era.

I just like the overall appearance. I love the bright red background. The cool "popped" collar. The lore behind Cicotte's role in the Black Sox Scandal. He pitched with the Tigers for one year (1905, and pitched in 3 games going 1-1 with a 3.50 ERA).

I had a PSA 2 once (about a year ago), but traded it away. I regretted trading it so I had to pick one back up. Now I'm happy to have one back in my collection, and this one is here to stay.....unless I upgrade it to a better condition one.

Here is a scan of my original:
If you could only pick one.... 1909E95EdCicottePhilaCaramel

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If you could only pick one.... Empty Re: If you could only pick one....

Post by docpatlv Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:40 pm

My favorite pre-war player was my first pre-war card purchase...

If you could only pick one.... 1910e93Cobb
Major Leaguer
Major Leaguer

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If you could only pick one.... Empty Re: If you could only pick one....

Post by bowlingshoeguy Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:00 am

I just love the pose, the other Cracker Jack I would love to have is the Speaker because of the glove on the back pocket.

If you could only pick one.... Cjclar10

Sultan of the Cycle Back
Sultan of the Cycle Back

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If you could only pick one.... Empty Re: If you could only pick one....

Post by sabrjay Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:01 pm

Does't fit my collection, but I need one of those CJ Clarkes


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If you could only pick one.... Empty Re: If you could only pick one....

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